Chapter 3

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The morning sun cast a golden glow across the elegant dining room of the Moreau household, where the family gathered for breakfast amidst the soft clinking of silverware and the fragrant aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Leanna sat at the head of the table, her expression guarded as she sipped her tea, her mind still reeling from the events of the previous evening. Beside her, her two sisters, Isabelle and Sophie, chattered excitedly, their voices rising above the gentle hum of conversation.

"I met someone last night," Sophie announced, her cheeks flushed with excitement as she relayed the details of her chance encounter to her attentive audience. "He's so dreamy and we go to the same university."

Isabelle, ever the pragmatist, listened with a knowing smile, her mind already racing with thoughts of potential suitors and advantageous alliances. "That's wonderful, Sophie," she said, her voice tinged with approval. "Perhaps this could be the start of something meaningful."

"Isabelle met someone too," Sophie excitedly announced. 

Their mother smiled widely. "Do tell us who Isabelle!"

"Adonis Evans!" Sophie cheered without waiting for Isabelle to reply. "Isn't that so exciting!"

A shadow fell across Leanna's face, her thoughts drifting back to the playboy Adonis, the man rumored to have set his sights on her sister's affections.

"Adonis?" Leanna muttered darkly, her voice tinged with bitterness as she recalled the name. "That man is nothing but trouble. I told you both last night to stay away from him."

Her parents exchanged a concerned glance, their brows furrowing in unease at Leanna's sudden change in demeanor. "Lea, darling, perhaps you're being too harsh," her mother ventured, her tone gentle yet firm. "We mustn't jump to conclusions without knowing the full story."

But Leanna's resolve remained unshaken, her mind made up as she pushed back her chair and rose to her feet, her eyes blazing with determination. "I'm going to talk to Adonis and Athena," she declared, her voice laced with steely resolve. "I won't let them manipulate my sister for their own selfish gain."

Before her parents could protest, Leanna stormed out of the room, her footsteps echoing through the silent halls of the Moreau mansion. But as she reached the front door, her hand poised to grasp the handle, a voice called out from behind her, halting her in her tracks.

"Lea, wait," her father's voice rang out, his tone filled with concern. "We can't let you go alone. We'll go together as a family for afternoon tea. Let me call the Evans household right now."

"Dad! I can't believe you're even considering this!" Leanna shouted in anger. "Don't you know how wicked and vile Adonis is?"

Her dad slowly nodded his head but gave her a small smile. "I understand. But those are all rumors dear. Let's go talk to him and his family and understand the situation."

Leanna scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Just trust me. I don't want him to hurt Isabelle dad."

Leanna's father rushed up to her and embraced her with a hug. "Don't worry Lea. I know you are trying to protect her but this is her choice at the end of the day. Let's just meet them and see what he's like."

Leanna knew nothing good would come out of this but she nodded her head in acceptance and didn't say anything. 


The sun bathed the elegant parlor of the Evans mansion in a warm golden glow as the Moreau family settled into their seats for afternoon tea. Across from them sat Adonis, his easy charm and polished manners belying the hidden depths of his intentions.

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