Chapter 7

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Two weeks had passed since the last encounter with the Evan's family.

 As the morning sun streamed through the windows of the Moreau family's dining room, the air was filled with an aura of excitement and anticipation. Isabelle sat at the table with a radiant smile on her face, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she eagerly tore open an envelope that had arrived in the morning mail.

"Isabelle, darling, what's that you have there?" her mother inquired with a warm smile, her gaze curious as she watched her daughter's animated movements.

Isabelle's smile widened as she unfolded the letter, her eyes scanning the contents with growing excitement. "It's an invitation from Adonis," she exclaimed gleefully. "He's inviting me on a ski trip to Switzerland!"

Sophie and her mother exchanged a knowing glance at the mention of Adonis's name, their eyes twinkling with mischief as they watched Isabelle's excitement unfold.

"That sounds wonderful, Isabelle!" Sophie chimed in enthusiastically, her voice filled with genuine happiness for her sister. "You should definitely go."

Leanna remained silent, her expression inscrutable as she studied her sister's joyful demeanor. While she couldn't deny Isabelle's excitement, a nagging sense of unease gnawed at her insides.

Their mother beamed with delight at the prospect of her youngest daughter embarking on such an exciting adventure. "Oh, darling, that sounds absolutely splendid!" she exclaimed. "You must go and enjoy yourself to the fullest."

Isabelle's smile widened at her mother's encouragement, her excitement bubbling over as she envisioned the thrilling adventures that awaited her in the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland.

But as the conversation continued to flow around her, Leanna couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that weighed heavily on her heart. While she wanted nothing more than to see her sister happy, a part of her couldn't help but worry about the potential dangers and uncertainties that lay ahead.

"Leanna!" Isabelle called, awakening Leanna from her thoughts. "You want me to go right?"

Leanna shot her a smile and nodded her head. "Of course, its trip of a lifetime. You should go."

Isabelle smiled excitedly and reread the letter again. Sophie eyed Leanna skeptically but didn't say anything. 

"When is the trip?" Sophie asked as she took a sip of her tea. 

Isabelle looked down to read the invitation. "It says this weekend. Its his birthday and so he's having a party in the Swiss Alps. He wrote that I'm his date," she squealed excitedly. 

"Wow, I'm so jealous. I wish I could go," Sophie said sadly. "Where is my knight in shining armor?"

Leanna raised a brow at her. "Weren't you interested in a guy that goes to the same university as you? Why can't you go with him?" 

Sophie looked down and shook her head. "It didn't work out. His family is actually going bankrupt so he can't even afford to stay in class anymore."

Leanna frowned. "So you lost interest because he doesn't have money?"

Sophie avoided her gaze and cleared her throat. "You wouldn't understand Leanna. I can't be with someone who can't even support himself. His family is broke and he's uneducated. It wouldn't work between us."

Isabelle sensed the tension between the sisters and changed the subject. "I have a great idea. How about I ask Adonis if you two can come with me!" Isabelle exclaimed. 

Sophie shot up from her seat in joy." Izzie please ask! I really want to go!"

Leanna was unimpressed with both of her sisters. "Count me out," Leanna said, standing up from her seat. "I have work to do."

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