Chapter 1

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Leanna didn't know what she was getting herself into when she agreed to attend the Evan's Winter Charity Ball. 

She was mainly forced to go because her younger sister's Isabelle and Sophie wanted to attend, and Leanna was the only chaperone available to watch over them. The idea of a chaperone did seem absurd, mainly because her sisters were 20 and 19 and she was a whopping 25. But her parents trusted her to keep an eye on the girls, knowing full well how easily they could be taken advantage of. 

The taxi arrived at the gates of the esteemed Evan's mansion. "I can only go up to here ma'am," the driver announced to Leanna, who was sitting at the front next to him. 

"This is fine," she stated, giving him the fare and signaling to the girls to exit. 

"It's so cold Lea, why couldn't he take us up to the entrance?" Sophie complained as she dragged her grey floor-length dress up the driveway sidewalk.

"I think only private vehicles are allowed to enter inside the gate," Leanna stated as she watched other vehicles enter. 

"When will we be able to get a private chauffeur? Isn't dad rich now?" Sophie questioned again.

Leanna fought the urge to roll her eyes. Her parents were now classified into this imaginary title that existed of new money individuals. Yes, they were rich. But not on the level of the old money families that resided in London. 

"Why don't you ask him that yourself?" Isabelle replied as she fought to keep her dress from touching the floor. 

Leanna and Isabelle were very alike in some ways. However, Isabelle was far more optimistic and rational whereas Leanna was pessimistic and viewed things realistically. Sophie was still objectively young so she couldn't understand the burden of high society even if she tried. 

"Maybe I will," Sophie huffed irritably.

"You should be lucky we even got invited to this event," Isabelle retorted. "Dad had to pull a few strings with his investor friends to even get our names on the list."

"But see! Dad has that power so why can't he use it to get us a private driver? Walking all the way up like this is embarrassing," Sophie murmured.

"Enough about the private driver Sophie," Leanna firmly stated. "Be grateful you even get to go to events like this."

Sophie was silent after this. Knowing Leanna and her personality, it was best she didn't get on her bad side.

They had finally arrived at the entrance of the mansion. Sophie was huffing loudly due to being out of breath, Isabelle was struggling to tidy her hair, while Leanna checked the time on her watch.

"We can be here for two hours only. Don't talk to strangers and don't disappear anywhere alone with a guy," Leanna warned.

Both the girls reluctantly shook their heads and followed Leanna through the front door. 

The grandeur of London's annual winter ball enveloped the Moreau sisters as they stepped into the opulent ballroom, their elegant gowns trailing behind them. Surrounding them were the city's elite, bedecked in jewels and fine attire, their laughter mingling with the strains of the orchestra.

Isabelle and Sophie's eyes were alight with excitement and anticipation as they looked around the room. Unlike Leanna, who stood aloof and reserved, her sisters bubbled with youthful enthusiasm, eager to catch the eye of a wealthy suitor.

For the Moreau sisters, the annual ball represented more than just a glamorous event—it was an opportunity to secure their futures, to marry into wealth and prestige. But for Leanna, the weight of her family's expectations hung heavy upon her shoulders, a burden she carried with stoic grace.

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