Chapter 2

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As Leanna stepped onto the rain-soaked pavement, her frustration mounted as she hailed a taxi, her mind clouded with thoughts of Athena's cruel dismissal. But fate, it seemed, had other plans in store for her this evening.

As the taxi pulled away from the curb, her heart sank as she felt a sudden jolt and heard the unmistakable sound of grinding metal. With a groan of despair, she watched helplessly as the taxi sputtered to a stop, steam billowing from the hood like an ominous cloud.

"I'm so sorry ma'am! Are you okay?" the driver asked as he looked at Leanna frantically. 

"I'm okay. Please be careful and call the police," she responded, holding her head. The impact had caused her to slam her head on the window. "I'll get going now."

She slowly shook her head and got out of the car. 

As the rain began to fall in earnest, soaking her through to the bone, Leanna fumbled for her phone, her fingers trembling with frustration and shock as she dialed her sisters' number. With a sense of relief, she heard Isabelle's voice on the other end, a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded her.

"Leanna, oh my god, I'm glad you're okay. We'll send someone to come get you," Isabelle reassured her, her voice filled with sisterly concern.

"Okay thank you. Be careful and get home safe."

And so Leanna waited, her patience tested by the relentless downpour and the passing minutes that seemed to stretch into eternity. But just as she was beginning to lose hope, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, his umbrella held aloft like a beacon of salvation.

"Leonidas?" Leanna's voice faltered, a mixture of surprise and disbelief coloring her words as she watched him approach.

"It's actually Leo," Leonidas replied, his gaze softening with concern as he took in her bedraggled appearance. "What are you doing out here in this weather?"

Before Leanna could muster a response, Leo reached out, his hand extending towards her in silent invitation. With a hesitant nod, she accepted his offer, her heart pounding in her chest as she allowed him to lead her towards his waiting car.

As they settled into the plush leather seats, a tense silence descended between them, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved tension. Sensing Leanna's discomfort, Leo cleared his throat, his voice tentative as he attempted to break the ice.

"So, uh, how was the party?" he ventured, his tone laced with awkwardness.

Leanna's lips curved into a bitter smile, her gaze fixed resolutely on the rain-streaked window beside her. "Oh, you know," she replied curtly, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "Just your typical evening of aristocratic snobbery and social climbing."

Leo winced at Leanna's biting tone, his heart aching at the pain he sensed lurking beneath her icy facade. "I'm sorry about Athena," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "She can be... difficult."

Leann's jaw tightened at the mention of Athena's name, her eyes flashing with a mixture of anger and frustration. "Difficult doesn't even begin to cover it," she muttered, her words laden with bitterness.

"Well, once you get to know her, you'll understand that she's just been through a lot," Leo replied, turning on the cars heater. 

Leanna frowned at his response. "What? I already know her. She's a bitch."

Leanna could see Leo was taken aback by her response. His hands froze where they were as he slowly locked eyes with hers. 

And at that moment is when Leanna finally registered what was going on.

She was alone, inside a car, with one of the Evan brothers. And what made it worse was she had specifically instructed her sisters to stay away from them, and here she was, mindlessly chatting with one. 

She violently shook her head and opened the passenger door. She could hear Leo shouting after her but she paid no attention.

She slammed the door shut and immediately regretted leaving the warm car as the rain poured onto her already wet dress.

"Wait, where the hell are you going?" Leo shouted as he made his way out of the car, his clothes starting to get wet.

Leanna made no effort to respond as she walked back towards the mansion gates, desperately trying to walk in her soaked floor length dress. The back of the dress was sticking to her legs, making it immensely difficult to walk fast.

"Wait!" she hard Leo shout but she made no move to stop. She had to get away from him. If she didn't, she would make a mistake she would later regret. 

Leanna felt a cold, strong hand tug her arm from behind. Losing her balance, she fell backwards but felt two strong arms envelope her in warmth. She had closed her eyes expecting to feel the impact of the concrete ground but instead opened them to find two hazel eyes staring back at her.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

Snapping out of her daze, she immediately jerked away from him and put some distance between them. 

"I'm fine," she curtly replied, meeting his sharp gaze. "Please go back inside. I'm leaving."

"Have I done something?" Leo snapped irritably. "We've only just met, yet you're treating me as if I'm something repulsive."

Leanna gasped and shook her head. "It's not you, it's me. Just forget about tonight and go back to your fairytale life."

Leo scoffed and furrowed his brows. "Fairytale life? Who are you to say that to me huh?"

Leanna rolled her eyes and smirked at him. "See? You're all the same. That's the exact type of shit Athena would say to me! So you know what? Just stay away from me!"

"What the hell?" Leo blurted, his eyes widening at Leanna's response. 

 Leanna eagerly nodded her head, her soaked hair strands tossing back and forth against her forehead. "Exactly! What the hell. Now leave before I say something your fragile ears can't take."

Turning away, she marched towards the gate, dismayed to hear Leo's footsteps rushing behind her. 

"I don't even know your name but is this the way you talk to everybody?" she heard him say from beside her.

Leanna sighed and stopped walking to face him.

Leo, much taller than her, towered over with a stern gaze. Even in the dim light, she could see just how breathtakingly gorgeous he was, his eyes eagerly trying to understand who she was and why she was acting this way as they stared into hers.

"It's probably for the best if we don't get to know each other," Leanna replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "After all, you don't even know my name."

"So what?" Leo retorted, a hint of frustration in his voice. "We were never properly introduced."

Leanna chuckled in amusement. "I'm the crazy spinster. Don't you know? You've probably heard all about me."

Leo frowned, his expression turning serious. "Be serious. I don't like it when people call woman that. I want to know your real name and why you're acting like this."

Leanna sighed, shaking her head. "Your sister called me that but you didn't seem to care. It doesn't matter anyways. I should go home now anyway, especially with the rain getting worse."

Leo reached out, gently touching her arm to stop her. "Wait, please. I should have said something back then, I'm sorry. Just tell me your name and let take you home."

Leanna hesitated for a moment before relenting. "It's Leanna," she said softly, but she avoided disclosing her last name. "And I can find my own way home. Good bye Leo."

Leo's heart sank as Leanna pulled away. "Leanna," he repeated slowly, his voice laced with disappointment. "Please, let me take you home. It's pouring out here."

But before he could say more, a passing taxi slowed down beside Leanna. With a fleeting glance back at Leo, she stepped into the cab, leaving him standing in the rain, feeling a sense of loss.

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