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The plane lands, and that's when the nerves start. "It's going to be fine." Travis says picking Hazel up out of her car seat. We decided to bring her, since we weren't ready to part from her yet. "You don't know him Travis. I'm just here to settle things officially. So I can move on." I say.

"I don't think this is a good idea. He's fucking crazy." Travis says and I groan. "You didn't have to come you know." I say and he laughs. "Actually I did. You are what, 3 weeks postpartum? You aren't even supposed to be traveling. You aren't aloud to pick her up yet, because you had to get stitches. So actually I had to come." He says and I laugh. "Don't try to pick ima fight now Taylor. We are doing perfectly fine, I'm not going to let a stupid trip ruin it." He says.

"You go do whatever you need to do to have closure. I am going to take Hazel to the hotel. She needs sleep. I'll use some milk that's in the diaper bag to feed her. Promise me that you will take security with you." He says. "Fine." I say.

"Be careful. Don't do anything stupid." He says. "I won't." I say as he kisses me and walks off with Hazel in his arms. Here goes nothing. I hop in the security car, sitting in the back seat, as they drive us to a place that is oh so familiar to me.

I knock on the door. "Taylor!" Elizabeth says opening the door. "Oh did you bring that daughter of yours? Joe hasn't shown us any photos of her yet." She says. "Liz, I um. She's not Joes." I say. "What do you mean?" She says. "I don't know what lies he's told you but she's not his. That's actually why I'm here." I say.

"To what? Break his heart!?" She says. "No! I'm here because he already knows that he's not the father, and I have told him millions of times. We have done multiple paternity tests that have been submitted to his lawyer that show he's not the father! I don't know what shit he's feeding you but it's all lies." I say.

"My son is nothing of a liar! You're speaking nonsense!" She says. "Give him this, I was here to speak to him. Since you are acting horribly to me, I'm just going to give you this. Goodbye Liz. I wish one day you will see the piece of shit your son is." I say walking back and getting back into the car.

Once I get in the car, I completely break down. "Miss swift are you alright?" Drew says. "I'm uh fine. Take me back to the hotel please?" I say and he nods. Once we get there I walk in the hotel room. Travis is sitting on the couch, watching the television. "How'd it go.l he says before he even looks at me. "What happened?" He says getting up and coming over to me. Enveloping me in a hug. "She yelled at me." I say crying into his shoulder. "She?" He says.

"He lied to them. His mom thinks Hazel is his. She called me a liar. She wouldn't listen." I say. "I gave her a note." I say. "I want it to be all gone and over, but this just made it worse." I say crying into his shoulder. "Sh it's alright." He says. Hazel starts crying and I pull away heading to where he had set up her bassinet. "No I've got it. Go relax okay? Take a nice bath or watch something. I'll take care of it." He says and I nod.

I settle into the war, hot water. Letting my fingers brush my skin. My trip just isn't over yet, maybe I can change the outcome. Leave with closure.

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