➖ Resign: Craving

Start from the beginning

Despite being 9 p.m., the time did not stop Urie Kuki from putting on his sports outfit and going for a run. He descended the stairs, hearing nothing but bare movement in the living room. Guess the movie is over. He saw Hayami folding blankets on the couch – all alone. She didn't even take notice of his present until he was halfway through the room.


What does she want? – Urie wondered with annoyance. He didn't need some silly junior editor that intertwined in their lives scooping around and playing housewife.

"What?" He looked at her, as uninterested as always.

"It's a shame you couldn't join us for the movie." Hayami said as she slowly approached him. "It knocked your team right out."

She was trying to be funny – Urie didn't find it funny. "I'm going for a run." He told her – she doesn't have to know.

"At this time?" Hayami looked at the clock on the wall. "Isn't it too late?"

"As a second-class investigator, I need to be prepared for the ghouls that are much more challenging." He told her.


With that, he left – showing no interest in conversing with her. It seems he hasn't sniffed me out – Aya hoped. Urie was barely ever in the company of Haise and other Quinx, he rather worked alone and Aya liked that. Urie was her biggest threat among other Quinx. However, the less he was around, the less he could smell her out.

"There." Hayami looked at Haise as he made his appearance. "The kids are put to sleep." The door closed which made Haise look in the direction of the sound with wonder.

"It's Urie." Hayami answered as she went to fold one more blanket. "He went for a run."

"Oh." Haise murmured – not surprised by Urie's late-night running sessions.

Hayami watched Haise – she thought he was going to say something about Urie, but she concluded there was nothing to be said that she already didn't know. Urie always kept his distance from everyone – for better or for worse.

Haise picked the glasses and empty bowls that had popcorn from the coffee table and went to sort everything in the dishwasher. He looked at Hayami as she folded the blankets and sorted them into the cabinet where they would usually be. He felt happiness in his very being – like parents; that was the feeling she was getting with Hayami around him.

It was silly of him to think of Hayami as his wife; mostly because he didn't make the attempt yet to ask her if there exists a possibility for them to be more than friends. He was afraid of rejection. And he was afraid of himself and the voice within his head. He didn't want to have Hayami harmed because he cared so much for her.

"That's done."

Haise closed the dishwasher and he looked at Hayami. She skipped onto the barstool and spun, holding a small laugh as she found the spinning amusing. The long hair with a few braids danced around her. He watched her with so much content – he was immensely happy to have her in his life.

As she spun once, twice – Haise saw something like a glitch in his sight. He saw long brown hair, with small gentle curls. There was a vibrant laugh that echoed in his mind. I saw this before – he knew he did, he was certain. A pain cut through his head and he hissed, grabbing onto the counter so he doesn't lose his balance.


Hands gripped gently on his shoulder and the pain stopped. My savior... He looked at Hayami as she stood in front of him with concern written all over her face. I worry her too much. Haise was grateful for Hayami and whatever power she had over him when it came to his headaches – which had been becoming more frequent the more he was trying to learn about his past.

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