Chapter 21: Prince Cevlion Part 2

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Chapter 21: Prince Cevlion Part 2

July 22nd, 2053

Rontak Valley, Capital City of Ronta, Imperial Palace

A short while ago, Emperor Rontus was informed of the rebellion in the Fordrolan Province and the subsequent sacking of Vakria.

"I'll send him to the Sandorian desert! See how he likes the desert crawlers and sweltering heat!" He angrily shouted to himself in his private study. "No, damnit, he'll enjoy conquering the serpentfolk... Ah, I'll give him command of the eastern fleet and send him to patrol the Tailian islands!"

The Rontak Empire wasn't much of a naval power, but it did control much of the coastline, necessitating a token navy. "He's always hated the navy; says they're a bunch of scaly merfolk wannabees."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," the Emperor barked, not fully calmed down yet.

Lord Tanalus, one of his more trusted supporters in the House of Lords, came in. "What is it, Lord Tanalus?" He asked more mildly.

"Your Majesty, we've received a message from Princess Maribelle from a mana comm in Rontak's Reach," he said.

"Very well, go on," the Emperor said, gesturing for him to continue.

"The delegation sent to negotiate peace with the Americans intentionally sabotaged the talks. She said that they made 'absurd demands to provoke a confrontation.'"

"I should have known better," Emperor Rontus said regretfully, turning around to stare out the window overlooking the city, contemplating how he ended up in this situation. "I knew there was something suspicious about my son's pawns being selected, but I chose not to intervene. And for what? To curry favor with the House of Lords? Those deceptive fools may have just doomed the Rontak Empire..."

He turned back around towards Lord Tanalus. "What of the Americans?" He asked. "How are they reacting to this development?"

"They have adopted a defensive stance, withdrawing back to Rontak's Reach for now," Tanalus answered. "But they are still searching the Duremar plains for slaves abducted from their side of the portal. According to the Princess, they will respond with overwhelming force if their efforts are in any way impeded."

"The situation with the Americans warrants my personal attention. Prepare my wyvern and escort," the Emperor said. "I will leave for Duremar myself as soon as possible."

"Are you sure that's wise, Your Majesty?" Tanalus asked, taken aback. "If you wish, I can go in your place and speak on your behalf."

Even though he trusted Lord Tanalus to remain loyal to him, he didn't want anyone else to fumble negotiations with the Americans. He needed to handle this himself to make sure it was done right. "I need you here to keep the House of Lords in check," he said. "Make sure they know that blatant disregard for my authority will not be tolerated."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Lord Tanalus said with a bow.

July 22nd, 2053

Southeast Duremar Plains

Gabriel Ellis was driving a Red Cross truck loaded with humanitarian aid through the Duremar plains on his way to Girshan. They were already enroute to Girshan when the army pulled out. No sense in turning back when they were almost there with the town's much needed supplies. It was a bright sunny day on the endless green plains; he had a good feeling about this mission.

He thought the two Humvees leading the convoy were unnecessary. Lieutenant Dawson was friendly enough, but Gabriel didn't much like army types. As always, the Red Cross trucks and personnel uniforms were clearly marked as noncombatants. Besides, why would anyone in the town attack the people bringing them food and medicine?

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