There was another hour or so before the client came to pick up the ball gown. Remel looked at the glamorous pink satin dress on the mannequin and felt like it needed more sparkle. She swore to herself she wouldn't touch the dress again to add more details, but the neckline looked rather empty.

"A string of beads?" She wandered. Yes, she could do that.

So, the next hour was spent threading white beads in the neckline.

It was not every day an elite client came along with a fat pouch, asking for a dress from her. Rich people shied away from downtown Frostgate like it was plagued, and it was, in a sense. Business was good when the sea was kind. Sailors would come to get a consolation gift tailored for their women or pick up a cheap accessory. Some would try to sell her fabric from other kingdoms.

Yet, those trades could barely cover her food expenses. That paired with how often these buggers robbed her, she might just give up this business and sail back to Sandgil.

After the last sparkling bead was threaded into place, she ran a palm over the skirt, ridding it of any non-existent wrinkles. Her eyes shone, giddy at how lovely it was.

Exactly and hour later, the client arrived. The lady was a spoiled little missy, a daughter of some military officer. She waltzed into the boutique like the place offended her dead ancestors, her lustrous curls bouncing with each step she took. She sneezed all the while she criticized the gown, complaining how the fabric was not shiny enough, and how gaudy the beading was.

"I hope it doesn't shrink after washing" She pouted up at Remel, covering her nose with her fingers. "This place smells like servant's quarters"

Remel smiled down at the girl and nodded politely. "M'lady has nothing to worry about. It won't shrink."

"It better not." She glared at the gown. "My father is holding a dinner party for his squad leaders. They have been working hard to find an offender past week or so."

"Did they find him?" Remel questioned, folding the gown neatly.

"N-Not yet" She sneezed again into her perfumed handkerchief. "Do you ever dust this place?"

"Then why are they celebrating?"

Remel and her client looked at each other for a while, silently.

"What do you understand about the military affairs?" The girl rolled her eyes, the overdone blush and lip stain making her look like a haunted doll. "Just pack the gown."

"Certainly. M'lady" Remel bowed and nimbly stuffed the ball gown into a box. "What offence is he charged with?"

The girl shrugged. "His majesty ordered to arrest him."

"And no one asked what crimes he committed?" Remel chuckled, securing the box with a complimentary ribbon.

The lady shook her head and crossed her arms across her bosom. "King's words are god's words. We mere mortals shouldn't t question them. Just so you know he is about this tall, pale with long-"

"He's under that table" Remel nodded nonchalantly at the tabletop overflowing with a mountain of fabric. "Please take him away and give me extra ten coins for the doorknob and the rug."

The girl reddened in the face. "Did you take me for a joke?"

"We are not making fun of M'lady" Remel courteously bowed her head. "Please forgive us. We simply do not know how to dispose the body."

The girl eyed Remel from top to bottom, a deep frown marring her chubby face. She then snatched the box from her hands.

"Whatever! Mad woman!" She huffed and fished for a handful of golden coins from her embroidered purse.

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