3.5k special! The God's Game behind the scenes!

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Greetings, lovely readers!

The God's Game has reached 3.5 k reads, which in itself is a divine miracle. 

This Author is infinitely grateful, especially if you are someone stayed with River's rather odd journey so far. 

This author is tasked with the quest of navigating the circle of hell reserved for people who put milk before cereal, and it's called state university. 

It takes up a lot of time author rather spend writing, so a chapter will have to wait another few days. But the holy spirit woke this author up early today, giving her enough time to write something, but not enough to write a chapter.

So, author decided to have a little chat with everyone who has committed sins heinous enough to stumble across this chapter. 

This Author introduces herself properly, finally

This Author goes by the alias of Rath Illuser, a name she definitely stole from Dragon Knights by Mineko Okhami.

Author is 22 this year and has chronic back pain, joints that soundly pops and eyesight so bad that she needs community support to find her glasses once she takes it off. 

Author has downloaded the default Asian character attributes at birth and has black eyes hair, tan skin, burning need for academic validation and generational trauma.

Author traded few inches off her height to the devil to buy some of his attitude, so she is quite short. She got the psychopathic power of reading and writing while listening to music with lyrics as a bonus.

Author's favorite color is pink.

If there's anything else you want to know, please let her know. Author never misses a chance to yap about herself.

The inspiration for God's Game

1. Dead siblings of The God's Game.

This Author has written countless fiction over the years but never saw any of them through. Here's the graveyard of Author's past work.

1. Author always loved high school x fantasy genre. She found it fascinating because it basically gave superpowers to the most unhinged set of people of human race, teenagers. She wrote one named "Beaula" in grade school and she can't exactly remember what it was about except it was a straight love story taking place in a boarding school. She thought she would be next Enid Blyton but got made fun in front of the class instead.

2. Then she had a bl x mystery thriller era. There were a few creations during this time, but there was one that she wrote almost to the end only to lose interest later. This author can't remember much except it was about an undercover spy/ assassin kinda guy x high school bad boy? 

The main character, Cyan, was River Verlice in another font, now that author thinks back on it. He was electrocuted the family pool with a car battery (13-year-old author did not research if this feat was feasible), had severe trauma and slept under his bed for comfort and safety. 

Author vividly remembers a character getting her insides smeared all over a wall. 

3. This author wrote a series of one shot taking her friend group as characters. 

Yes, despite how it seems Author has friends.

It is still floating around somewhere in Wattpad and is in Author's mother tongue. Its manuscripts were stolen by Author's partner, and she hasn't seen them since.

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