Chapter 12

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Once I finished my brownie, I tossed my bag over my arm and walked out of the café, ignoring the man behind the counter's stare. Were William and I going to become famous throughout all the cafes in Hurshell for his constant abrupt departures? Maybe next time, I'll give him a taste of his own medicine, I thought bitterly as I walked back towards work.

"Excuse me," a voice called behind me. I spun around, already prepared to say I'm not interested in whatever it was they were selling. A young man grinned at me, he had long black straight hair tucked behind his ears with stunning green eyes, the exact same shade of the outside of Bobby Green's.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just noticed you were chatting to Will, right? William Lambert?"

I stared at the man. Was he a member of the paparazzi? No, if the paparazzi knew William's identity it would be plastered all over the news by now. He stepped closer, "I was supposed to meet with him but he's not answering my calls. I didn't want to interrupt your conversation but just missed him when he drove off."

I recalled William's phone call he ignored earlier. "Oh, yes I was just with him."

He grinned. "I thought it was you. I'm Cameron Watts by the way."

"Lizzie Thornton," I took his outstretched hand, shaking it once. His hand was warm against mine.

"So how do you know Will?"

I tensed. Was this a test to see if I'd break his confidentiality, he'd set up a friend to trick me? As if reading my mind, Cameron laughed. "It's okay, I'm a friend from college. I know his secret." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I relaxed.

"We work together, I'm his editor," I said as we started walking together towards my work. Cameron seemed happy to just follow beside me.

There was something about him that just set me at ease, he seemed so friendly. I'd gotten far too used to William's uptight personality that I'd forgotten that most people weren't like that.

We chatted easily about books and my job, turns out he majored in Victorian Literature like I did. Before I knew it, we were at the front of my workplace.

"If this is too forward, please feel free to tell me. But I'd love to see you again, could I have your number?"

I gaped at him for a moment. This would be hands down the first time a guy had asked for my number. "Sure," I managed to say and he handed me his phone. I noticed his wallpaper was a cute fluffy tabby cat with yellow eyes.

Once I had typed my mobile number in, I handed back his phone and he accepted it with a little bow that made me smile. It would be nice to have a friend, as sad as that sounded, I'd been missing Sabrina beyond imagination, but I had a feeling Cameron wasn't interested in being my friend. I had to be the only woman in the world who'd prefer friendship over having a boyfriend. Against my will, my brain started up that movie reel loop of William's kiss. Are you sure you'd really prefer friendship with him? My traitorous brain whispered, a voice over as the kiss tingled upon my lips, the memory alive in my mind. My sister had said she hoped I would find my own prince charming one day, there was no way that'll be William, even if deep down I wanted it to be.

* * *

Demi was back from her stress leave today. Acting like she'd won a Single Act of Heroism award, she strutted around the office, retelling the story of her bravery to my colleagues. With the way Darrin was hovering around her, I wondered if maybe she did actually win an award. I watched him invite her inside his office for a cup of tea, something that's never happened to any-one else. Why was everyone always attracted to rude, nasty people? I always thought kindness opened doors, no it just made it easier to be pushed to the side whilst the rude narcissist types of the world pushed past leaving you left holding the door open like a schmuck.

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