Chapter 2

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Somehow, I managed to formulate enough words to say a quiet, "me too," as he let my hand go and gave a small nod to Demi. I was certain my facial expression said just how unexcited I was to be working with him and judging by the amused look in his eyes, he got the message loud and clear.

Sitting back down like he owned the place, he lounged in his chair, tapping his fingers on the armrest as Darrin spoke. He'd got a new shirt in time for our meeting, I wonder if he threw away the stained shirt. He didn't seem the type to bother with stain remover spray or doing laundry at all. I tried to ignore William's persistent stare and tuned into my boss's chatter. "I've changed your current contract to include your new editors. If you wish to give it a once over, you're welcome to use my office to read through it or you can take them home and we can meet again tomorrow."

"I'll sign them now, thanks. I'd like to continue work as soon as possible." He didn't ask if that was okay with us. I watched Darrin look at Demi as if she was the one in charge not him. I wasn't surprised though, Demi had a way of controlling everyone and everything in this place, especially when it involved me.

"That would be perfectly fine Mr. Lambert, right Lizzie?" She nudged my elbow far harder than necessary and barely meeting William's eyes I gave him a brief nod. I could tell by the look on Demi's face she was hoping William would correct her and tell her to call him by his first name but all he did was continue to sit there as if he was a king and we, his most loyal subjects.

Her desperation to please him might have made me roll my eyes but all I could feel was extreme disappointment as I looked at the man before me. How could he be the author of such beautiful love stories? It was mind boggling. I feel like I had just been told I won the lottery only to later learn they had called the wrong number.

Darrin spoke and I forced myself to focus as he handed William the contract and a pen. Swiftly signing the papers—I noted he was a leftie—William stood. Behind him I watched Darrin hastily gather up the contract and pen, a gleeful look in his eye. Was he going to get a bonus for meeting the deadlines on this contact? Probably. Meanwhile I got stuck doing all the work on it.

Reaching into his pocket, William strolled over to Demi and I and handed us a card each with his email and contact number on it. "I prefer email contact only, if you must call it better be for a good reason." I tried to keep my expression blank as I took the card from him, avoiding looking into his piercing dark-brown eyes.

"Not a problem at all Mr. Lambert." Demi's voice got higher as she spoke. I nodded in agreement; my mouth downturned as he walked past us without a single goodbye.

Demi and Darrin followed him out of the room without a backwards glance but I decided to linger, I didn't want to be stuck in an elevator with any of them.

I waited until I heard the elevator doors close and then placed my latte mug on the table before sinking down onto the closest chair, placing my head into my hands. Last night I was so full of hope and excitement. Now it all seemed a lie, the books remained unchanged and I'd still love every story but now I felt tainted. Like I had been given a glimpse behind the curtain and found out the wizard of oz's true nature and it was anything but nice. How did I not figure out M.A Hertford was a man? I mean I never truly knew the gender of my favorite author, I just assumed it was a woman as it made sense. Many men were brilliant romance authors, but something about his books just seemed more, like he truly understood a woman's mind and her desires for true love.

I had numerous emails to action before starting on William's new book. As much as I wanted to go complain to Sabrina, I knew it would have to wait until tonight. Like hell I was keeping his secret from my best-friend, not when it has crushed my dreams. Maybe it was a good thing my copy of Fate's Song got ruined, I'd never want to ask him to sign anything of mine. I could just imagine the sneer on his face if I approached him.

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