Chapter 5

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The first month of Spring in Hurshell was almost over. The weather was warming considerably, and the cherry blossoms were flowering all over the city. On the balcony outside my bedroom, I could sit and look down at the nature strip covered in blossom petals that trickled down softly like light pink snow.

I loved Spring but I longed for Winter. Unlike most people, who hated the harsh snow climate here, maybe because I grew up in a town surrounded by snowy mountains, it reminded me of home.

My weekend was spent sipping at cold lady grey tea and re-reading A Stolen Kiss. I tried really hard to banish William from my mind but couldn't help but try to imagine him writing lines like, "Until you release me, I am yours. And even then, I believe I shall remain yours. I may have stolen a kiss from you, but I never anticipated you'd steal my heart in return." My skin flushed as I imagined him, in his condescending voice reading those lines aloud. No wonder he kept his identity a secret, he could never attend a book signing event. One scowl from him and no book of his would ever sell. Not only was he tall, dark, and handsome, he was also every bit the Mr. Darcy we all hated in the beginning of Pride and Prejudice, deeming Miss Bennett not handsome enough to tempt him. Unless he changed his attitude, his agent was right to agree to keeping his identity a secret.

Not for the first time, I wondered why a misanthrope such as him chose to make a living writing romance novels. He never divulged anything personal and yet he apparently had me all figured out. I shook my head. No, I won't think about him in my free time. Reading his books is different, I'll just keep pretending it was a kind elderly woman who wrote them.

My alarm rang, harsh and loud and I fumbled for my phone. Beside my head, Kitty lifted her yellow paw and tapped at my cheek. It was her way of making sure I was awake and ready to give her breakfast.

By the time I arrived at work with my usual iced almond latte clutched in my hand—the lid pressed firmly in place—I was ready for it to be home time. I yawned widely as I booted up my computer wishing that it was Friday already, not first thing Monday morning.

"Lizzie, can you come in here for a moment?"

I jolted in my seat at the sound of Darrin's voice. He never called anyone into his office. Wait, did I make a mistake with the draft proposal last week and William wants me gone? Or was I about to be fired? Nervously I stood and tucked down my black skirt and matching blouse, feeling like I unknowingly dressed accurately today for my own funeral. I stepped into his office looking around. The couch, Darrin insisted on having, was up against the wall on the right, his desk in the middle and beside his desk—I almost laughed but managed to turn it into a coughing fit instead—was a large television screen. How did he manage to get away with having basically a lounge-room set up in his office? I sat down on the couch as he went to stand behind his desk. He pressed a button on his laptop and the television directly in front of me switched on, showing William's face. I instantly pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to tidy my fringe as his eyes stared down at me from within the screen.

Darrin cleared his throat, even though he was speaking to me, he faced the television screen looking awkward. "So uh, Lizzie, I have some good news. Demi has been asked to work on other projects, so you will be working solely on William's new book."

He stared at William as if making sure that was still what he wanted. William nodded slightly, or maybe he twitched; it was hard to tell. But whatever he did was good enough for Darrin and he spun around to face me.

Trying and failing to ignore William's enlarged face staring down at me, I stood. "Darrin, I'm barely managing my workload as is. I don't think I can do this," my voice was small and weak. I hated giving in, hated complaining about my workload but I couldn't do this anymore. Sabrina would be proud of me standing up for myself yet all I felt was ill.

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