Chapter 1

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"To kiss you and know that you are mine as I am yours, it's the greatest gift the universe could have given me. Thank you for existing, for living in a time where I can find you."

The worn page shifted under my fingertips as I grinned. This was my favorite part, not the chase but the capture. When the two lovers finally confess their undying love.

I close the book, grinning ear to ear at the cover. My eyes land on the author's name, M.A. Hertford. She was my saving grace, the woman had serious talent. She was part of the reason why I chose to work at Pilot House Publishing, they'd been publishing her books for the last ten years.

The sharp ring of my doorbell brought me back to the reality that I had been trying to avoid. I stood and stretched, glancing at the clock in the kitchen as I walked to the door. Whoever was visiting me at 9:00PM on a Thursday night better have a good reason. I tucked my feet into my fluffy black slippers before opening the door.

Sabrina stood before me holding two hot chocolates in silver travel mugs, her big blue eyes glittering with excitement. I took a mug from her outstretched hand, "to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

"Sorry I know you like me to call first, so I don't interrupt your alone time with," she paused glancing down at my latest book on the side table, "The Moonlit Lover, but I have just found out some news you're gonna drop dead over."

Always the dramatic, my best-friend was the type to play every lead role in our school productions growing up. I didn't begrudge her for her confidence, just wish I had but an ounce.

I took a sip of my drink, noting she had used the complimentary work mugs we'd been gifted last Christmas. "Pilot House Publishing" read across the mug in a sky blue. I always thought the color of the font clashed with the dark silver, but I wasn't part of marketing, that was Sabrina's department.

"You better sit down for this; I don't want to have to catch you when you faint."

I did as she asked and she moved to stand in front of me, flicking her short blonde hair with her bubblegum pink manicured nails. She waited for me to finish taking a sip of my drink before speaking. "If there was someone— wait, it has to be a real person— that you would want to meet, who would it be?"

I shrugged. "Zackery Princeton."

She sighed. "You do realize he may play your favorite character from Dream of Me but he's not actually your favorite character from Dream of Me?"

I nodded, "I know but a girl can dream, right?"

Sabrina pressed her lips together, unamused by my joke. She put her mug down and walked over to the side table, snatching my book from atop it. Holding it in front of my face she said, "what if I told you I heard a rumor that Alison Miller is retiring, which means—,"

I cut her off, my voice breathless with excitement. "The firm is looking for a new editor to be assigned to M.A Hertford? I've been waiting for this moment since I started."

Sabrina nodded, "I know, that's why I'm here. Alison finishes up next Monday, it was all so sudden, so they'll be looking for a new editor starting tomorrow. I wanted to prepare you just in case Darrin says anything."

I stood, grabbing the book off her and hugged it to my chest. "I won't be her editor; I'm still a junior editorial assistant, remember?"

My cluttered bookshelves decked the entire walls of my lounge-room. I walked towards the one next to the television, looking at the books wistfully.

When I first started at Pilot House Publishing, I was beyond excited to meet my all-time favorite author who also happened to be one of our most successful clients. But I soon learnt she's not only notoriously private in the real world but also within the firm too, only a handful of staff have met her in person. And they've all been sworn to secrecy and had to even sign non-disclosure agreements. I heard once that sometimes she doesn't even like to leave her house and sends in her agent on her behalf to go through edits with Alison.

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