Awards and Reviews (part 2)

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Participation medals that are unlikely to morph into anything else, but they look darned cool, don't they?

Participation medals that are unlikely to morph into anything else, but they look darned cool, don't they?

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My very first press release, written by Guy Rinzema at ISBN Direct. It shows up in Google searches if you search my name. Ancilla itself does not show up as anything related to Ancilla yet, but it wasn't so long ago that searching for me by name on Google and elsewhere would mostly get you stuff on some for-profit nursing institute Down Under, and a lot of results on some musician dude who calls himself "Drake." Now, at least, my pen name has its own results. That was a good use of $75. So was the purchase of 10 ISBNs, which cost me about as much because I used a Black Friday coupon to buy them. Much less expensive than buying directly from Bowker. Indie authors, take note.

 Indie authors, take note

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An Instagram review and shoutout from R. Volt, award-winning author of the erotic novella The Whore 

 Volt, award-winning author of the erotic novella The Whore : 

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