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"I got a new lab! I got a new lab!" Davenport sang as he danced his way down the glowing orange hall to the new lab.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you mean we got a new lab." Bree corrected as we came to a halt at the end of the hall.

"Excuse me." Davenport scoffed. "Did we pay to rebuild it?" He replied smugly, pointing behind himself at the door behind the lab.

"Do you sleep in a glass box?" Bree shot back, shutting Davenport up before he started singing again.

"We got a new lab, we got a new lab!" He sang and I turned to see Chase sending me a smile as we stood there. "And here it is." He announced before turning to the large door and opening it with his iPad. We all gasped as we walked forward, the last few feet of the hallway lined with purple lights.

"Guys, look at all these upgrades." Chase said as we walked further in, the look of shock on his face making me laugh. The lab was amazing, but I really missed the old lab. The mix of nostalgia and excitement being a weird contrast. But I was happy they'd finally get their capsules again. "Mr. Davenport, this place is amazing." He compliment excitedly.

The capsules were a step higher then the lab floor, and didn't have a door. Chase's capsule that was in the middle was in front of Adams and Brees. The ground was lit with purple instead of blue, and they were defiantly bigger. The ground was lined with hexagons.

"Of course it is. I designed it." Davenport replied with an eye roll, resting his arm on Leo shoulder whose eyes went wide.

"Ahem!" Leo coughed, glaring at Davenport.

"Fine! We designed it! We, we!" Davenport shouted before sighing and walking deeper into the lab. "Upgraded capsules, bam!" He and Leo both did a pose, pointing at the capsules before they walked over to the computer. "Quantum processing super computer, bam!" They did the same pose. "Four intensional combat simulator, bam!" Davenport said when he stepped back with the group. "This, my friends, is what a multi million dollar makeover looks like."

"Is there a mini fridge?" Adam asked and I nodded.

"I need a closer place to put my pickles." I shrugged in agreement as Davenport plastered an angry smile on his face.

"No. And if there was, the pickles wouldn't go in it." He replied, and Adam leaned over to Chase and I, talking out of the side of his mouth.

"I bet our real dad's lab has a mini fridge." He told us before turning back to Davenport.

"Hey, Leo, where's yours and Stas's work stations?" Bree asked, her hands on her hips before gesturing to the empty space next to the main control panel. Leo smiled as he took the iPad from Davenport, sucking in a breath.

"This way, children." Leo waved us over and we followed him two feet to the right. He gave us a smug smirk before pressing a button on the iPad.

"Whoa!" Adam gasped when two pieces of the hexagon shaped floor went down and came back up again, revealing our desks.

"The floor in the lab is compartmentalized, meaning we can store things in it." Leo explained before looking to Davenport. "May I?" He asked, earning a nod from Davenport before he struck a pose. "Bam!" He shouted.

"Is that a nuclear magnetic resonant spectrometer?" My nerd of a boyfriend gasped as he practically levitated towards the other side of the lab. "I've never seen one in person before. It's so beautiful." He said, staring at the weird looking thing with a huge smile.

"He's never that nice to me." I told Adam, Leo, and Bree, even though it isn't true. My boyfriend doesn't even look up from his love trance with the orb.

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