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After Chase and I had decided to start dating, we also agreed to keep it a secret. Only for a little bit while we figured things out. It had only been a few days since then, but everything had been going smoothly.

"Uh, Stassie?" I heard Chase say as I closed my locker. He had that nervous tone in his voice as if something was wrong.

"What did you do?" I asked, raising my eyebrows a little. He tried to act surprised, holding his hand to his heart.

"What? Why would you think- yea, okay. I did something." He admitted when I crossed my arms.

"I knew that! Now spill." I demanded, becoming curious. That nervous look on his face came back.

"Don't be mad." He winced and I nodded for him to continue. "I may have told Adam we're dating." He confessed as my eyes went wide.

"Chase!" I said, a little above the appropriate level.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just got excited." He apologized with a small smile.

"Out of all the people you could've told, you told the one with the biggest mouth." I sighed as I began to play with the strap of Chases bag.

"I asked him to keep it a secret. Don't worry about it, he'll come through." Chase assured me, but I shook my head. "Yea, okay. Maybe not."

"Whatcha doin?" I heard Bree ask as she walked up to us, Adam behind her. I dropped my hand from Chases bag as fast as I could and gave her a smile.

"Waiting for you two." I told them, making myself look right at Adam. He had a huge grin on his face and I knew why.

"Where's Leo?" Adam asked, changing the subject. Maybe Adam would come through.

"I don't-"

"Psst!" I was interrupted when Leo stuck his head out of the gym door way. "Hey, guys, you ever have that nightmare where you're standing in the middle of the school in nothing but your birthday suit? Well, it's happening to me!" Leo explained as he stepped out, covered by a blue towel. The only other thing he was wearing was his socks. I stifled a laugh when he yanked it up higher.

"Yep, keeping this forever." I said as I took a picture of him. He sent me a glare but I just smiled at him.

"Send that to me!" Adam told me through a laugh.

"Delete that!" Leo demanded before going on. "Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower." He explained, earning a laugh from Bree and I.

"Well, you know, when I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself where's the last place you saw it?" Adam advised, earning a glower from Leo.

"On my body." Leo snapped back.

"And you've definitely checked there?" Adam asked. Leo rolled his eyes before looking at me.

"I know I'm laughing but this is seriously mean." I said to Leo, finally able to drop my smile.

"Who would do that to you?" Bree asked, but Leo and I already knew.

"A-yo!" Trent yelled as he walked out the door and next to Leo. He was wearing Leos clothes over his, and Leos shoes were on his hands as he held them up.

"Ah." Adam, Bree, and Chase all said in realization.

"Trent? You took my clothes?" Leo asked even though he already knew.

"Well, yea. How else am I supposed to play attack of the giant Trent?" He replied as he got in Leos face. "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of a wimpy one!" Trent shouted as he got into Leos face again. "Get it? It's you." Trent whispered loudly before jumping away from Leo to flex, ripping the back of his shirt. "Ooh, tear in aisle two! Looks like your mommy's gonna have to buy you clothes at the not big, not tall store." He laughed at his own joke before running away and high fiving someone.

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