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"Hey, I thought I told you guys to get lost." Bree said to her brothers as we walked down the stairs into the living room. Adam and Chase were still playing their 'mental chaos' game with their headsets and gloves on. They were intensely trying to win, swaying back and forth quickly with their arms out stretched. They looked like idiots.

Bree and I got to the side of the couch when they stood up straight and looked over at us. "The coolest girls in school are coming for a sleepover, and I don't want this place smelling like feet and pickles." Bree continued to explain. I looked off to the side, trying to hide my rolling eyes. I wasn't a big fan of the popular girls. They were mean, and I was going to tell Bree that but Tasha told me not to. She said that Bree needed to have more friends and more social interactions and I couldn't deny that, so I was roped into a slumber party. When I looked back up, Chase was looking at me. His eyebrow was slightly raised, giving me a look. I narrowed my eyes at him before looking to Bree.

"The feet part is gross, but come on, pickles are objectively good." I shook my head at her and she rolled her eyes at me. We both looked back at her brothers at the same time a Adam raised his arm and smelt himself.

"Well, not me. I got armpits and onions." Adam informed us and I grimaced. Chase turned towards where Tasha, Davenport, and Leo stood in the kitchen.

"Hey, why does she get to have a party?" Chase questioned, pointing at Bree.

"Because she needs to socialize more with girls so she'll stop challenging random strangers to loogie contests." Tasha explained and I nodded in agreement. Although, it was pretty fun to see Bree win one of those contests against a grown man. I looked over at Bree who just smiled in triumph, hand on her hip.

"Aw, but she's the champ!" Adam smiled.

"She has some epic hang times." Chase agreed with his arms crossed, nodding his head. Bree flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"You gotta work up a green one. They're meatier." Bree told us and I let out a sigh. This wasn't my favorite topic. I guess the sleepover wasn't either.

"That's my little princess." Davenport said sarcastically with his eyebrows furrowed. As Davenport headed for the hall, Bree locked her arm with me and pulled me towards Tasha.

"So, I have watched every slumber party movie ever made." She told Tasha excitedly. "We're gonna have a pillow fight, we're gonna put cucumbers under our eyes, and then we're gonna shave Francesca's legs. Her knees have eyebrows." Tashas lips pursed. Surprisingly, it was true, they did have eyebrows.

"I know her." Chase called from behind us. I turned slightly so I could see him and Adam. "Every time she sits, she looks super surprised." He had a smile on his face as he stretched his hands out to act surprised. I smiled at him before returning to look at Tasha who started to pull us away. Before leaving, I quickly glanced behind me to see Chase already looking at me.


Bree and I were now back in the living room, fluffing the throw pillows to make them look nice. Tasha was laying out snacks on the coffee table but no one but her and I were going to be eating them. The snack plate was filled with vegetables. Lots of baby carrots, which I was a fan of. The whole day we had just been cleaning and planing. I was exhausted before the sleepover even started, but I was doing this for Bree. She was practically buzzing with excitement and it would have been contagious had I not been so tired. The sound of the doorbell ringing sent Bree and I's heads flying up towards the door.

"Oh, my gosh! They're here." She said worriedly, taking a glance down at her outfit. "I hate my outfit." Before Tasha or I could respond, she was already gone, but I blinked and she was back. "Worse!" She yelled and was gone again, sending another gush of wind blowing at Tasha and I. "Better." She said once she was back again.

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