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Leo, Davenport, and I all scrambled through the doors to the house, Davenport greeting Tasha with a hug. After last night, we had all gotten back on the helicopter to look for Adam, Bree, and Chase but we had no luck.

"Please don't text hurry home when we're in helicopter." Leo said as we walked closer to Tasha and Davenport. "I left my lunch all over the Rosenblatt's roof." He added holding his stomach.

"And I lost like three ounces of blood because of the altitude." I nodded before sniffling, making sure it wasn't still bleeding.

"Pretty sure that's what made me vomit." Leo grimaced.

"I do have some good news." Tasha told us, ignoring Leo and I. "The FBI finished their investigation and proved you were cyber hacked." She explained, a smile on her face as she held her hands together.

"So I'm getting all my money back?" Davenport asked her frantically, making her smile drop.

"No." She replied. "All the money was stolen. You're still broke." She added.

"But I'm getting all my stuff back, right?" He asked, as he glanced back at Leo and I before walking deeper into the house. "My boats, my cars, my planes." His smile grew wider as he listed it all.

"Just the house." Tasha told him, making Leo and I frown. "But the good news is that now we can all move back in together." She added, her and Leo acting excited but I frowned and crossed my arms.

'Not all of us.' I thought as Davenport's face completely dropped.

"Not even like a jet ski? Or a motorcycle with one wheel?" He asked again, making me roll my eyes.

"You're broke. Focus on finding Adam, Bree, and Chase." I instructed.

"So what're you gonna do about the kids?" Tasha asked.

"Well, they're not gonna come back here because they still don't think it's safe." Leo replied and I nodded. "I just wish there was some way we could get a message to them and let them know everything's alright." Leo added and I furrowed my eyebrows, getting an idea.

"Wait a minute. Couldn't you update Chases software? I remember you telling me something about that during their last training session." I told Davenport as a small bit of hope coursed through me.

"That a good idea, Stas. Maybe I can embed a cyber message into the update. Leo, find us a computer." Davenport instructed before we high fived. It felt good to be the smart one for once.

"Got it." Leo replied before turning around, but stopping abruptly and giving Davenport a confused look. I shrugged at him.

"Is there anything I can do?" Tasha asked.

"Tasha, now is not the time for jokes." Davenport replied, his voice serious as he touched her shoulder. She gave him a glare before rolling her eyes.


"Still no word from the kids?" Tasha asked as Leo, Davenport, and I walked into the living room. The room was filled with large wooden moving boxes and Tasha was unpacking a box from the couch until she stood.

"No." Davenport shook his head, his voice somber.

"You're a tech wiz. Isn't there something else you can do, like send them a text alert or friend request or have them paged?" Tasha asked, practically begging Davenport.

"I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder how you two ended up together." Leo told them when Davenport looked at us, surprised.

"Yea, Tasha could do way better." I said, looking Davenport up and down. He gave me a glare. "What? We gotta keep ya humble." I shrugged.

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