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It was around eight in the morning and I was standing in between Leo and Adam with Chase standing on the other side of Adam. We stood next to the doorway to the cafeteria, waiting for class to start. Leo was holding his backpack and Adam and Chase held text books and binders. I always preferred to keep my backpack with me but my next class didn't allow it, so I traded it out for my binder, a book, an a few pens.

"Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you two could use a lesson," Leo started and pointed at Chase and Adam. "On how to ask a lady out." Leo smirked to himself like he hadn't been rejected a thousand different times by a thousand different woman.

"Oh, great. Do you know a guy who can teach us?" Adam asked Leo, sounding hopeful. Leo looked up at Adam with a blank stare.

"Me." Leo said flatly and Chase rolled his eyes. "You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams: Danielle." Leo explained in a soft voice, staring over to his 'dream girl' with puppy dog eyes.

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" Chase questioned as his eyebrows raised in a questioning look.

"Yep, he also cleaned her shoes once." I told Adam and Chase. Leo was quick to shush me. I thought back to last year when Danielle had complained that her shoes weren't as white as they used to be and Leo had ran up to her desk and offered to clean them. After school, she gave him her shoes and he spent the entire day cleaning them. After that, she never spoke to him again.

"Where else is she supposed to put her feet? On the floor? I'd have to clean her shoes again!" Leo asked us like we were crazy to even ask why he let her use him as a footstool. Chase gave Leo a look but Leo ignored it. "Open your notebooks, boys, 'cause class is in session." Leo said smugly before walking over to Danielle, in what I assumed was supposed to be a swag walk.

Adam, Chase, and I followed closely behind him but not close enough to be in their conversation.

"Hello, Danielle." Leo greeted while throwing his leg up on the bench she was sitting at and resting his arm on his knee. She smiled at him awkwardly and Leo took it as a sign to keep going. "Do you know how much a polar bear weighs?" She shook her head. "Enough to break the ice." Leo finished and jumped over the bench, sitting next to her in the process. I let out a sigh at the same time Adam and Chase did, realizing this was going to be a colossal failure. "I'm Leo Dooley."

"Didn't you send me eighty seven emails?" Danielle questioned and I cringed.

"Yea. That was a slow day." Leo just smiled and nodded as if he didn't see how badly his 'lesson' was going.

"Okay, well, see you later, Lenny." She replied and hurriedly grabbed her back pack and got up off the bench.

"It's Leo, by the way." He said to no one because Danielle was already way out of earshot. He waved to, again, no one.

"So, Leo... What should I write down in my notebook? I mean other than 'denied'." Chase questioned sarcastically, smiling at his own joke.

"No, no, no, you can cheat off of me. I have 'she's not going to the dance with Lenny.'" Adam smiled and Chase and I laughed.

"Well, I have, 'colossal failure,' and 'a restraining order is in Lennys future'." I announced and Leo glowered at me from his spot on the bench.

"I didn't even tell you to take notes." He rolled his eyes at me and I just shrugged at him.

Bree then walked up from out of no where, looking a little upset.

"Are you guys talking about the dance too? Why is everybody making such a big deal out of this stupid dance?" Bree complained and I raised my eyebrows at her. Adam and Leo gave her questioning looks as well.

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