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"Donal, I just noticed the holiday card we mailed out." Tasha said as Leo sat down next to me on the couch with a box full of garlands. Davenport was decorating the tree, while Adam, whoa as dressed up as Santa, made cookies.. "What happened to the family portrait we took to celebrate our first Christmas together?" Tasha asked as Davenport walked over to the dinning room table she was sitting at.

"Oh, I shredded those." He chuckled as he looked at the card. "These are way more festive." He added as he showed us the card. It was two reindeer with Santa in the middle, with Davenports face on all of them and it read 'happy davendays' on the bottom.

"Who wants a Christmas cookie?" Adam asked as he stood up from the island counter, making Leo and I immediately walk over. When I looked down at the pan, the cookies were uncooked.

"Adam, those aren't even cooked." Leo pointed out.

"Ever heard of salmonella?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"No problem." Adam replied before using his heat vision on them, catching them on fire.

"Careful, they may be hot." He warned, earning an eye roll from me as he started to blow them out.

"Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights?" I turned around to see Bree walk in from the front door and over to where Leo, Adam, and I were standing. "People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it." She continued.

"No, I did that. I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first." Adam explained before turning to put the tray of cookies down.

"Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard." Bree told him before a loud bang interrupted. I looked over the door just in time to see Chase, tangled up in Christmas lights, jump in. When he stood up straight, a giant wreath fell from his hips to the floor. Bree and I immediately started to laugh. "That, however, is spot on." She said as she pointed at Chase.

"Hey, get back up on the roof. You're ruining my display." Adam demanded loudly as I walked over to Chase to untie him.

"You are lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase yelled back as I finally reached him, holding in a laugh. He shot me a glare as I bit down on my lip to keep myself from laughing. I looked over to Davenport when an alarm began to blare as I tried to untie Chase.

"Maybe I shouldn't untie you." I told him and paused for a second, looking around to see if anyone was looking. "You're much cuter in blue and red." I said quietly before going back to untying.

"Funny." Chase replied sarcastically.

"That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get to the lab." Davenport told us before everyone but Chase and I filed out.

"Wait!" Chase called out before falling to the floor, ripping the lights from my hands so suddenly I fell too.

"Ow." I said flatly as I picked my head off of the ground and got up.

"A little help?" He asked, stuck on the floor.

"Nope. Not from me." I replied before sighing and flipping him over. "Couldn't have waited just a little longer." I grumbled quietly.

"You could've untied faster." Chase shot back, that familiar sassy tone coming out full throttle. I glared at him but he broke out into a huge smile. "You're adorable when you're frustrated, you know that?" He asked and I just huffed as I got to the last knot. I yanked as hard as I could, making the knot fly free.

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