(Chapter 8)A phoenix's plight

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(Chapter 8)
A phoenix's plight

Author POV

Hoseok was clearly not faring well. His skin was cold, clammy to the touch. Everything a phoenix shouldn't be, cold and wet. The merman and satyr were desperately trying to hold him up, but with the dead weight it was hard, especially for the merman who would rarely be on land. 

They cleared a patch of grass, Jimin lay his roll mat down to offer a somewhat flat bed for the phoenix. Namjoon dropped his four legs till he was the equivalent of sitting, this way he could attend to his patient easier.

"Jimin could you boil some water for me, the heat should help his wounds." Namjoon inquired. Jimin nodded, Jungkook was off to find the wood the moment Jimin asked for his assistance, he wanted to help and impress his pack. 

Jimin used to be a traveller before he owned his inn, so he was able to build and ignite a fire swiftly. Using one of the cooking pots Namjoon had been carrying on his horse back. Filling it with water from the river. 

While he waited for it to boil he observed Namjoon as he worked, everyone's eyes were on him. Namjoon measured out tinctures from small bottles mixing them in a way only he seemed privy too. 

Eventually Jimin carried the boil pot over to the centaur. Namjoon took several full bowls pouring them onto the open wounds on the phoenix, instead of hissing in pain like most species would, Hoseok relaxed at the heat on his skin. 

Jimin watched in fascination as Namjoon carefully poured the tincture he had made over the wounds, some of the water burns Hoseok had sustained had opened and cracked, forcing Namjoon to have to sew them shut. Jimin was constantly boiling water to aid Hoseok, hoping he could bring some relief even if it was only temporary. 

Eventually Namjoon had gotten Hoseok into a better state, one that didn't appear like he would drop dead in agonising pain in his next breath. Hoseok's fire licked skin was still sputtering around the water burns, not quite ready to return to their natural state. 

However they watched in fascination as the fire engulfing his body changed to a different colour instead of the stereotypical orange and red, taking on a pinkish hue. 

"Stops me from burning things, we have different fire for different things. Wouldn't be good if we started fires everywhere we go" Hoseok shrugged, taking a hot stone from beneath the fire, the fire upon his hands seemed to change once more.

Jimin watched with apt fascination as Hoseok used the heat from his hands to melt and shape the stone with ease much like one would sculpt clay. 

"Thank you for saving me again my friend" Hoseok turned his thanks to Namjoon, bowing his head in respect, a well honoured part of the centaur culture. Namjoon inclined his own head in acknowledgement. 

They settled into a comfortable silence as Jimin finished heating the stew he had made for them all in the pot above the fire. 

"Why did you leave the inn so soon" Taehyung broke the silence, peering curiously at the human.

"This" Jimin gestured at the food. "I wanted to travel to learn more about as many culture and species so I could develop the menu at the inn to make it feel more welcoming to the guests that come to stay" Jimin smiled. 

Thankfully he had packed extra bowls and spoons in case he were to lose any or break them. Ladling the stew into the bowls he distributed the stew around the group. 

Yoongi slid down the side of Taehyung's arm until he landed on the grass, removing his pileus so that he changed to the size of a human, he hung his pileus over his shoulder. Accepting the bowl of stew Jimin offered. 

Jimin was pleased when he heard the happy humming from the group, catering had always been something he loved, it made people happy and that in turn made him happy. 

"You should add this to the menu. I've never had anything like this, my people don't come to the surface much" Jin looked delighted the more he ate. 

"What do your people eat?" Jimin asked out of curiosity, taking his own spoonful of stew, perfect just like his grandfather's recipe. 

"Well we eat most of the stereotypical things, fish mostly. There are different weeds to try, some are poisonous to our species so we stay clear of that. But we mostly have a rather basic diet, we eat in small portions too. We gather food everyday unlike on the surface, so it is mostly what we find through out the day that makes our meal plan." Jin shrugged, holding out his empty bowl with a hopeful look, a smile taking over his face as Jimin refilled his bowl immediately. 

"Perhaps you could show me how to prepare the food sometime" Jimin asked, Jin nodded his agreement. 

"I've never had food like this either. My people tend to eat when we are smaller, takes less to make us full." Yoongi muttered after he finished his bowl, setting it down by his feet on the grass. 

"Perhaps we could join you, it sounds like none of us have really travelled out of our homes." Taehyung suggested, he had become outcast from his people. Not having had a friend until he stumbled upon Yoongi on his wandering trail. 

"If you would like, it would mean we need to stop in a town earlier. I only packed enough for 3" Jimin gestured to himself, Jungkook and Namjoon. 

"Then it is decided" Namjoon declared standing onto four legs he picked up the remanence of their meal to go an wash up. It wouldn't be fair for Jimin to do all of the work. 

"Thank you" Jimin smiled up at him, Namjoon returned the smile easily, his tail swaying side to side as he made his way down the slight hill towards the river. 

Jimin began to pack away the rest of his equipment into his bag, despite the heavy weight Namjoon refused to let Jimin carry it, not wanting to exhaust the human. Jimin felt bad making Namjoon act like he had to carry all of the bags and equipment, but the centaur had insisted no matter the guilt Jimin felt. 

"We should set off, if we walk until dusk we should be able to get to the nearest town by tomorrow lunch time." Jimin shared his knowledge, he had made this trip many times when the merchant markets appeared in the spring and summer. He was always look out for anything new that could help him improve the inn. 

"Sounds like a plan" Jimin was surprised when Yoongi approached him, he made Jimin put his hand out palm up. Taking his hand, Jimin watched in awe as the shroom shifted into his small form, sitting till he almost covered a third of Jimin's palm. He proceeded to climb up Jimin's arm till he settled on his shoulder like a miniature parrot.

"Why walk when you can get others to do it for you?" Jimin heard the small voice of Yoongi from his shoulder. Fair enough was Jimin's first thought. But now he was conscious to not move enough to dislodge the small shroom from his shoulder.

  When Namjoon came up the hill, the bowls and pot were stored in the bags once more. Before Jimin could begin an argument to be allowed to carry his own bag, Namjoon gestured to Yoongi and a second later shoved the bag onto the sash over his back. Unable to protest they set off on their way.

A mismatched bunch ready for an adventure.


So I am sorry it has taken this long to update. I last updated 1st October last year. I will try to update this book more actively in the future. 

I hoped you liked their small reunion. 

What culture or supernatural creatures would you like to see?

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.





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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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