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(Chapter 1)The beginning

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(Chapter 1)
The beginning

Author POV

Jimin's inn for the supernatural. 

A place for all to be accepted.

In a land of myth and monsters.

Humans are a rarity, but human is exactly what Jimin is. Nothing special, nothing extra.

But in this world he is anything but normal, especially when the world crawls with both the good and bad monsters that people only see in their fairy tales.

If anything he is the exotically different one. 

There aren't many job prospects for a human in a world of monsters.

They can't do heavy lifting like a giant can.

Breath fire for the forges like dragons can.

They can't fight as swiftly and elegantly as an elf.

Fly miles across seas and mountains to deliver messages like angels and faeries.

A human is by far the weakest on the land, in the sea they fare worse.

But Jimin is not one to allow the boundaries of his birth prevent himself from doing want he wants and loves. As a result of his dream and achievement, Jimin's inn was formed from the ground up.

It was less of an inn, more like a castle, he had been that popular. All because he help no ills to species. Inns often cater to what they know, for example a centaur inn owner will cater to his own kind, unsure how to cater to a pixie or a giant.

Jimin had taken it in his stride, to be the first inn to accept all, no matter size and species difference. He was successful too, with his inn by the sea, he could cater to both land and sea creatures.

With an accepting persona, and a sunshine personality. Monsters were drawn to him all over the land, coming to visit, to see the human's smile, to eat the food. Food that Jimin had taken from around the world, listening to the stories of his customers, attempting to replicate the cuisine, to bring a sense of home to his visitors.

Jimin welcomes all to his inn.


"Jimin we have a chimera pack at the door" Anker informed him, leaning from the front desk to look into the back officer where Jimin currently resided.

"Be right there" Jimin responded, quickly dragging his ink filled quill across the page, signing his name.

He took a deep breath. Trying to remember as much about chimeras as he could. They were all women, with a lion's head, a goat's body and the tail being a snake. They could only talk from the lion's head, or they chose to only do that, they breathed fire as well. 

So he would need to put them in a dragon scale room, dragon scales were often sold on the market, they were one's shed from the reptilian body twice a year. They were expensive, but worth the cost. They were fire proof, absorbing the fire, preventing the risk of a fire breakout.

Stepping around his desk he headed to the front. There were 3 chimera at the desk as Anker had said.

"Hello how can we help?" Jimin gave his best smile, it was warm and inviting and almost everyone fell into a sense of calm seeing it.

"Do you have any rooms, there are no chimera inns nearby and one of my friends is injured." the first Chimera spoke, she had lifted herself up onto her hind legs to see over the counter. 

"We saw that you cater to all on your sign" the second spoke.

The third was curled in on themselves, clearly they were the injured on. Their front paw was lifted up and covered in blood, moss had been used to stop the bleeding, but it was haphazard at best. They probably had trouble sticking it on due to having paws.

"We have some rooms available yes. Would you like a fire proof room?" Jimin asked, flicking over the availability sheet, displayed on the desk for that night.

"Yes" the voice of the first chimera was full of relief.

"That will be 3 gold pieces" Jimin smiled.

The chimera used her tail to grab the money from the bag, Jimin rounded the counter so he could grab it from her. That way she didn't have to awkwardly lift herself to put the money on the counter. 

"This is your key, the room is 326. I can take you there." Jimin smiled.


They followed Jimin through the inn, rounding corners, till they reached room 326.

"Thank you so much" the first chimera spoke, evidently the leader of the small band. 

"No problem, would you like me to see if there is a doctor staying so they can tend to your friend?" Jimin gestured to the chimera who was struggling to jump up onto the bed.

"You would do that for us?" the second spoke.

"Of course, free of charge" Jimin smiled.

"Yes thank you" Jimin gave them a bow and left to find a doctor.


He knew that there was one residing here. He stayed all year around, the room Jimin provided had become a safe haven and essentially a rented room. He didn't mind, he liked the man's company. 

He knocked on the door, he could hear the tell tale clop, clop, clop on the other side of the door. The sound of horse hooves hitting the ground. The centaur opened the door, he was tall and imposing but Jimin was used to that.

In payment for keeping the room permanently, the centaur had offered to be a doctor for injured visitors to the inn. All the centaur wanted was a quiet place to work on his experiments and study the stars. Jimin had given him a view over the sea, so there was no other light so blind the star's shine.

"Another injured visitor I presume?" the centaur asked.

"A chimera, inured front paw. They are in room 326" Jimin responded.

"I will go see to them." The centaur moved back into the room to gather his medicinal herbs.

"Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" Jimin asked.

They both often had a meal together once a week. They were friends who enjoyed each other's company.

"Of course Jimin" the centaur smiled it was a dimpled smile.

"It is always an honor Namjoon" Jimin grinned back.

They both headed to work in different directions, one to an injured patient, the other to run an inn. 


So there are going to be a bunch of supernatural creatures. Some from legends and tales, others that I have created too.

I hope you like the world I have built.

I hope you liked the chapter.




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