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(Chapter 6)Running out of time

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(Chapter 6)
Running out of time


Author POV

The young satyr tore off, his legs carrying him quickly over the rough terrain. He was going to meet with a cousin from another travelling group. With his goat legs and horns he was far from the bizarrest creature to live within this supernatural world. 

He shouldered the pouch he wore, satyr didn't need to wear clothing, they often just wrapped cloth around their waist, their people didn't see it as necessary, they more so did it for the sake of the other species. 

He ran down the hill he was currently standing on to provide a higher view point of the path ahead of him. His hooved feet left little to no tracks on the dry ground, the mud was cracked due to the heat of the sun baring down on the ground with a relenting force. 

He foraged along the way, putting mushrooms and acorns and conkers into his little pouch. Foods that may be poisonous to other species, did not affect satyrs in anyway. Travelling through new lands were fascinating, there was always so much to explore. 

He bounded along the woodland trail, happily filling his pouch with treats, munching on a few as he went along, happy to fill his stomach. His eyes scanned around, his pointed ears taking in the noises of the forest as he moved. 

Satyrs were half goat, half human. Their top half resembled that of a human, aside from the pointed ears and horns protruding from his head, while the bottom half of their body resembled that of a goat, with strong legs covered year around in fur, with hooves for feet.  

They were a well respected species, not to the same level of a similar creature to them, the centaurs were known across the lands for being amongst the most intelligent species. Satyrs followed at a close 5th at least. 


He found himself walking into a piece of woodland that held a large amount of tall mushrooms. Immediately the excitement within him picked up, after all he had heard of these creatures before from stories passed down through his usual travelling group.

The tall mushrooms were called the 'Shrooms'. 

They were humanoid creatures, but the moment they wear their hat (that resembled the top of a mushroom) they could disguise their appearance to blend in with the forest. They shrunk down to the size of a regular mushroom when they did this, Shrooms tended to live in small colonies within small cottages built into trunks of trees. 

Currently a Shroom with their large hat hanging off their back attached by some string was before him, it appeared that the Shroom was foraging for food much like the Satyr had been doing along the way.

"Hi" the Satyr approached him, apparently Shrooms were a friendly species, but this Shroom regarded him with narrowed eyes and a distrusting gaze.

"Hello" the Shroom responded carefully. 

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