Claire and I didn't speak all weekend. There were definitely times when I wanted to text her or call her but didn't want to move at a pace that made her uncomfortable. So I simply stated silent and decided it would be better for all to let her come to me.

Just as I was getting ready my phone started to ring. It was Clarke and I couldn't help but smile when I saw her name and a picture of the two of us flash I the screen. I couldn't let that utter joy shine through in my voice though. Keep it casual Lexa.


"Hey Lexa. It's Clarke."

"Oh, hey, what's up?"

"I have kind of a weird question. And it's also embarrassing to admit."

This conversation was about to get real interesting.

"Sure Clarke. Ask away!"

"So...I...I sort of never told my mom that we broke up..."

Wait? She what? Why?

"Oh...I assumed you would have told her right away. You guys are so close."

"Well she really likes you. And I thought that if I told her she might stop liking you. And if things ever changed between you and I and we tried to get back to how we were I wouldn't want her to be against it. So I just never told her."

Clarke was talking fast and I could tell admitting all of that was making her nervous. I couldn't help but smile really wide though. She was holding off on telling her mom because she thought we might get back together. This was looking more and more promising by the second.

"Well that's okay! I'm kind of glad you didn't tell her because your mom is awesome and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she hated me for what I did to you."

There was a moment of silence and then Clarke spoke "Yeah.."

"Uh...anyway. What's the question then?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry." Clarke giggled and I was sure my heart skipped a beat at the sound of it. "She wants to know if you are going to come for Thanksgiving. Actually, she wanted to call and invite you herself but I told her I would do it..."

I was quiet on the phone for a few seconds and then Clarke spoke. "I totally get it if you don't want to! I mean, even if she thinks everything is good with us, we are still broken up. But I just thought that since we are trying to be friends again it might be fun. And I wasn't sure if you actually had plans for the holiday and I'd hate to think you might be spending it alone and yeah...I'm gonna stop talking now..."

"I...Uhmm...well...I mean." I was fumbling for words but none of them came. Was it a good idea to accept Clarke's offer? It would be nice to see Abby again. And I'm sure that if I went I would have a good time. Maybe this would be a good way to show Clarke I can go at whatever pace she needs. "Sure. That sounds like fun."

"Are you sure Lexa? You don't have to say yes just because I'm asking."

"I'm not. I'm saying yes because I think it will be fun. When do we leave for Mass?"

"We are going to leave next Wednesday and stay until Sunday. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's perfect!" I said trying not to sound too excited.

"Okay. Phew. I was actually really worried about this conversation."

"We can be friends Clarke I told you that. So we will meet in the lobby on Wednesday and head to the train. Deal?"

"Deal. We will talk between them for sure though and I'll let you know what time in the morning. Thanks Lexa."

"For what?"

"For being so cool about everything. And for not completely laughing in my face at the invitation. I'm actually excited to spend the week with you."

"I'm excited too. We will have fun don't worry about it and don't overthink it. I'll talk to you later I hope you have a good day."

"Okay bye Lexa."

I heard the phone click as Clarke hung up.

What in the world was happening? Four days ago we decide we want to try to be friends again and now I'm being invited back to the Griffin house for Thanksgiving dinner! It was faster than I thought it would happen but I deformity wasn't complaining about it happening at all. Now all I needed to do was wait until next Wednesday and it would be Clarke and I together for five whole days. If I played my cards right I could win her back before we even got back to the city.


-Clarke's POV-

"I'm excited too. We will have fun don't worry about it and don't overthink it. I'll talk to you later I hope you have a good day."

"Okay bye Lexa."

I was so nervous and excited that I didn't even wait for her to say goodbye before hanging up the phone. Before I let my excitement get the better of me I figured it best to call my mom and let her know about Lexa.

After two rings she answered. "Hey sweetie what's up?"

"Hey mom. I just talked to Lexa about Thanksgiving and she is in."

"Well that's great! It'll be good for you two to spend the holiday together. I'll make sure your room is ready for you both when you get here."

Uh oh. I didn't see this coming. My mom was actually okay with Lexa and I sharing a bed now because she thinks we've been together this whole time.

"Actually mom. Lexa still wants to respect your rules and stay in the guest room if that's okay?"

"I knew I liked her with good reason. Sounds good to me I'll make sure the rooms are ready for you both."

"Thanks mom you're the best!" That was a close call.

"Of course sweetie I'll see you both Wednesday. Love you."

"You too mom."

When she hung up I flopped myself down on my bed. Was I in over my head with this whole plan? Should I have just been honest with my mom from the beginning? How in the world were Lexa and I supposed to act like we were still together? There was a lot to think about and it was making my head hurt.

All I could do for right now though was go to class and try to not let the upcoming break occupy my thoughts. Everything would work itself out I just have to go with the flow which was something I wasn't used to doing at all. But hey. There's a first for everything I suppose.

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