chapter 10: vroom vroom

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Jimmy was feeling super sad again, as his eyes swelled with some sorta liquid.
"Hey... it'll be okay...!" Kris reassured her awesometastic pal, as Jimmy sighed.
"I want Ryan NOW!!!!" He fussed, stomping 7 times.
"And I'm sure he's almost here." Markiplier suggests. "But first, we gotta get into some awesometastic new fits the priemere of the BEST VIDEO EVER!!!!"

With that decided, everyone gets into BadBoyHalo's car and drives long and hard to the mail.
"Gotta check my mailbox!!" Jimmy explained, hopping out of the car.
"Bro, we gotta get sick insane awesometastic drip though..." Ninja muttered, a little angry at Jimmy for interrupting him and Tommy's special moment. He tried his best for his alpha mode not to unleash right there and then.
"Guys I have no mail" Jimmy sighed, as BadBoyHalo checked the time. It was 2:34 pm.

"Okay let's go to the mall now!" SapNap screams, as they sit in their seats. BadBoyHalo was driving, as Jimmy was in the passenger seat. Karl, Ninja, Quackity, Sam, and Tommy were in the middle seats while Chandler, Kris, and Nolan were in the third row. SapNap, Markiplier, Colby, CG5, and MatPat hung out in the fourth row, coloring in their Blaze and the Monster Machines™ coloring books. Meanwhile, Dream and George were in the back, pretending to be gold fish.

"How long till we're there Bad????" Njnja screeched, scowling long and hard at Jimmy

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"How long till we're there Bad????" Njnja screeched, scowling long and hard at Jimmy.
"Like, 27 minutes or something" BadBoyHalo replies, as Jimmy plugs into the Bluetooth. "Guys, let's listen to our playlist!!!!" Jimmy screams, playing the awesometastic playlist.

"OMG I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!" Karl giggles loudly, kicking his feet.
"Same!!!!!!" Chandler says from the back of the car, smiling in a long term manner.
The boys all sing the song happily. This song REALLY described their friendship.
"JUST GATHER UP A FRIEND OR TWO!!!!" Markiplier beams, wrapping his arms around MatPat and Colby.
"JUST ME, PLUS YOU, AND YOUUUUU!" Kris sang to Chandler and Nolan.
"YES IT'S THE EASIEST OF TRICKSSSS" Dream sang, snuggling up with George.
"THAT'S ALL IT TAKES TO FIX MISTAKES! like Nolan!" Jimmy sang.
"Just me!" Karl smiles.
"just you!" Kris frowns happily.
"just me!!!!" Colby giggles.
"Just me >:(" SapNap growls.
"Plus you" CG5 said.
"Plus you!" George and Dream giggles at one another.
"just me" MatPat and Markiplier chuckle.
"Just me!" Sam grins.
"Plus you!" Nolan announces.
" plus you!" Chandler grins.
"and you" Ninja scowls at Jimmy.
"And you" Tommy smiles at Ninja.
"and you" Quackity s voice screeched.
"AND YOUU" They all sang in harmony.

"Wow, that was awesometastic!" Jimmy giggles cutely.
"You wrecked it..." Ninja grumbled. "just like everything else."
"What was that?" Tommy asked his pookie pie.
"Nothing, dw about it" Ninja softly smiled, turning away.
"Okay" Tommy says okay.
Ninja continued staring deep into Jimmys hairline, his alpha side almost cumming out (woopsie, typo XD).
"Guyssssss I have to peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Markiplier moans.
"Pee in the pee can" George suggests, passing the pee can up to him.
"Oh okay thanks George" SapNap smiles, unzipping his fly and peeing in the pee can.
"No problem" George smiles.
"Hey where did my can of beans g-" Kris began saying, before a flood of realization goes through her. "O-oh-"
"Oopsie poopsie Kris, I thought this was the bathroom can" Dream frowns. "And- and I gave it to George cause... Chan-Chan gave it to me..."
"Its... *sniff* Fine..." Kris sniffs, looking away.
"Calm down" Nolan says angrily. "I have another can right here." Nolan passes Kris his green bean can.
"Thanks Nol" Kris smiles, punching him really hard in a respectful way.

"OMG GUYS WE'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jimmy screams.
"NO YOU DUMMY, THAT'S A MISTAKE!!!!!" Ninja finally explodes, revealing his alpha form.
"W-w... Ninja...!" Tommy whispers.
Ninjas eyes turn a ferocious red, as spikes of midnight amethyst blue sprout from his skin. Giant midnight ultra slick black ears appear on his head, as big, meaty, fangs crawl out of his lips.

"N-ninja-?!" Jimmy utters out of his mouth

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"N-ninja-?!" Jimmy utters out of his mouth. "Wh...are you good...?"
"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!!!!" He screams, his big mouth opening.
"NINJA STOP!" Tommy yells. BadBoyHalo even halts the car cause everyone was super duper shocked Tommy could yell. Ninjas eyes flash to normal as he looks over at Tommy.
"Th...this isn't like you...!" Tommy says, his eyes filling with tears.
"No... NO HE DIDN'T!" Tommy yells. "Jimmy is just a little special in the head. OKAY?! He's just so excited for his awesometastic video, and you can't freaking appreciate that! I'm sorry that you feel like this. But Mr. Beast didn't do ANYTHING WRONG!"
"T-tommy... thank you..." Jimmy whispers. "B...but... maybe..." Jimmy sighs, his eyes swelling with tears.

"Maybe Ninja is right."

(A/N next chapter is super emotional... get reasy every1!!!!)))

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