Chalter 1: Mr Beast wakes up

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It was yet another awesometastic morning in North Caralina, and Jimmy Donaldson, better known as Mr. beast, just woke up with an awesometastic video idea.

"Oh my freaking gosh...! I have such an awesometastic idea!" He chippered, springing out of bed in glee. He immediately went downstairs, trotting towards his friends Karl and Kris and Nolan and Chandler and Sapnap and Dream and George and Tommyinnit and Ninja as well as Quackity and MatPat.

"What's up Jimmy?" Kris asked with an awesometastic smile on her face. Jimmy's brows furrowed.
"It's Mr. Beast to you Kris..." He growled, before going back to an awesometastic expression. "Anyway, I have an awesometastic video idea!"

Karl's eyes widened, as well as everyone else's. "I'm sure it's gonna be awesometastic my bestie Beastie!" He beamed, staring at Jimmy, enraged with happiness.

"Well, I was thinking, what if we have an awesometastic big YouTube collab?" He grins super widely. "Because... ever since... J...Jake Pail and I broke up..." His smile faded, as tears form in his really big eyes. MatPat frowns, approaching the sad beast.

"Bestie Beastie..." MatPat sighed, patting Jimmy's back. "It'll be okay. I for one, think that idea is awesometastic! And it'll get us lots of views!"

"Yeah!" Quackity cried back, his scratchy record player voice screeching loudly that made Nolan and Karl and Dream and George giggle really loud.

"So, what is this awesometastic new vid gonna be about?!" Dream says REALLY enthusiastically (A/N like REALLY enthusiastically guys.).

"It's gonna be about how awesometastic our friendship is!" Jimmy smiles harder, sitting down next to Karl who was sitting on a really big chair with Dreams pfp plastered on the leather. Jimmy on the other hand, was sitting on a really big chair shaped and scented like 30 month old expired Prime, Jimmy's exes favorite drink.

"That's a really awesome idea Mr Beast!" Nolan shouted from across the room. He happened to be in the time out corner at the moment because no one really liked him. (A/N nolan stans in chat!!! 💕💕💕)

"I honestly didn't ask Nolan!" Jimmy replies, his long arms swinging across the room, punching Nolan into the wall.
"That was awesometastic!" Nolan said muffledly, as Chandler got him out. "Thanks Chan-Chan"
"No problem Nol-Nol." Chandler grinned, kissing his homie on the cheek in a really friendly and platonic manner.

"This is freaking awesome!" Tommyinnit says softly and quietly, because he's a pretty soft and quite person. Ninja patted Tommy on the back. "Awesometastic job pookie... you talked for once and I'm really proud of you. Keep up the awesometastic work. You're so good at gaining confidence, and I've never been prouder than anyone else. You're so amazing, lovely, kind, nice, awesometastic, kind, sweet, nice, lovely, and above all, awesometastic. Thank you for being my homie. I'm so proud of you." Ninja says, with the biggest and genuinest and goofiest and awesometasticist smile on his face. Tommy has fallen asleep.

"So! Let's start gathering other YouTubers then!" MatPat cheers, as Jimmy nods and says:"I agree. So is everyone ready? Let's make the BEST VIDEO EVER!"

(A/N: Also Sapnap was there too but he was just a little busy flirting with Gale from Baulders Gate 3)

(tysm for resding... my three year old auntie needs a lot of help learning how to breathe hy herself and I've been helping slot... I'm also questioning my gender... so like and subscribe... remember, Stan karma always. 🖤)

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