Jouno Saigiku-AU-Part 2

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The sun had long since set since [y/n] and the queen entered in the emperor Joyce's castle.The king and queen were very delighted and happy,instead, [y/n] was walking behind them thinking it wouldn't be so bad if she stabbed them in the back right now.After all, they deserved it, they deserved to die.But [y/n] controlled herself. "That moment will come, there is no need to hurry" she thought and continued walking behind them.
[y/n] glanced around. The emperor's castle was truly a wonderful sight.Everything was in the right place: multicolored flowers, statues, imperial gardens with rare species of plants.The carriages of the royal families continued to come and bring nobles.It was the emperor's birthday.
That day of the year when every kingdom brings gifts and tries to please the emperor during the ball organized in his honor.

The arriving nobles went one by one to greet the king and present him with the gift they had brought.It's the turn of our king and queen now. They both stepped forward confidently and began to string praise upon praise, trying to please the emperor and gain his trust.
"This is our gift, Your Majesty." Regina says and points to the gift from [y/n]'s hands.
The emperor didn't seem very…curious.He was a tall man with golden curls and dark eyes.He was a handsome young man whom all women ached for.They were always trying to stand out, but he never showed interest in any of them.Usually, Emperor Joyce was a cheerful and energetic man. But not during balls.He was annoyed and tired of the false nobility that presented itself here.
Joyce looked at the gift to please the guests and hoping that they would shut up and leave him alone.And then he saw [y/n].
His pupils dilated and his heart began to beat faster.He felt butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks were burning.
Is this love at first sight?He read about it in books, but never thought it would happen to him.He felt that time had stopped.The same cannot be said for [y/n], who was looking at him with cold indifference.

The emperor gets up from the throne and walks towards [y/n].He took the gift from her hands and threw it to the queen.
"Keep this for me." He he says to the queen and kneels in front of [y/n], taking her hand in a shy motion. "My dear lady, I know it's stupid but I think I'm in love with you."
Everyone stopped what they were doing. Everyone looked at the two with their jaws dropped.The queen and the king were speechless. Even [y/n] was surprised by the emperor's actions.

"Please..I can give you anything you want, I will treat you like a goddess.I feel like I can't live without you now that i saw you.Will you marry me?"
[y/n] thought for a few seconds then gave him a fake smile.Everything was going too well. "Of course, how could I refuse you,your majesty?"
Joyce was overjoyed.He stands up quickly and looks around, then back at her. "Then let's get married right now!Someone call a priest. Maids, take care of her appearance!" He ordered.

To everyone's surprise, the marriage of the two was going very well. Joyce was always acting like a love-struck puppy and fulfilled every desire of his empress.
A few years have passed.Joyce still had blind faith in her and [y/n] understood this very well. She was always grateful to the emperor for her new life, but she couldn't..she couldn't reciprocate his love.She still loved Jouno the outlaw. That's why she felt bad that she had to take advantage of the emperor's love like that.

One evening, when Joyce lay down in bed next to her after a very tiring day.[y/n]  had laid her head on his chest and whispered. "Could i ask for a favor? A very big one.."
The emperor sighs and smiled with his eyes closed "Of course,my dear.Just one word, and I'd wipe a country off the map."
"Then... you see, that queen, my former mistress is very rude and mean to me..And her husband is looking at me in a strange way..can you do something about it,pretty please?" She ask innocently and meet Joyce's gaze. "If that's what you want, so be it.You say that royal family pissed you off?"
[y/n] nods and he kissed her head. "They will pay for it,don't worry my dear."

This is how they were beheaded.
[y/n] was satisfied. Finally, after all this time, she avenged the outlaws.
The country was named after her and the emperor left her to rule it.
[y/n] often visited Jouno's grave.She would bring him flowers and tell him what was going on in her life.She had a wonderful life, but she was missing the only one she really needed.


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