Fyodor Dostoievsky

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      Fyodor x Arranged Marriage

P.S. :The Russian word for "mouse" is "Мышь" (mysh'). The diminutive is "Мышка" (myshka), which basically means "little mouse" or "mousie", and is a term of endearment, a word you might you to affectionately address a sweetheart or a child.

[y/n] walked in circles around the chair.Everyone saw the little girl as a stupid spoiled 'princess',but no one but her doll knew the truth.The doll was sitting on the chair, and if she could, if she had life, she would run from this cursed room, away from the little devil.

"I don't understand,Annabelle!" [y/n] says with her hands crossed. "I did it all!I did everything that could be done!I wasn't well mannered! I was nasty and disrespectful. I even fell on the floor and did a whole circus when my mother said she couldn't bring me the moon from the sky!" Annabelle don't say anything, she was just a doll after all. "I did all that! And yet!" [y/n] stops walking ,in front of the chair "I don't understand...Why the Dostoevsky family..want their son to marry me?.."

[y/n] sighs and sits on the floor, looking at Annabelle "I worked a lot, I behaved like a fool, like a sullen princess,for everyone to underestimate me and not think I'm a danger.In this whole mansion, no one has expectations from me...that's why no one thought of me when the Baron de Via was found dead by our servants..." [y/n] started laughing "What a bunch of fools!I killed the Baron, a 10-year-old girl poisoned someone,and they still interrogate the servants" [y/n] continued to laugh. "Who knows? Maybe the Baron de Via will rise from the grave and tell them I killed him" The little girl said with a smirk.


"Gatlin!How could you do such a thing?!" Mrs. Dostoevsky entered in her husband's office. "You have sent [l/n] family ,a marriage proposal?!" The lady stops in front of the desk. Gatlin put the sheets he was holding on the table and looks directly at his wife. "Yes,i did,Polina" Polina step back,she was ready to pass out "How could you do such a thing?!You want Fyodor to marry that stupid...girl?! Have you thought for a moment about the future of our businesses?!How will our family evolve?! Everyone in town found out, and everyone laughs at us!"

Mr. Dostoevsky keeps his cool "Polina,please sit down" Gatlin motions for her to sit on the sofa.His wife sighs, sits down and cross her hands, waiting to hear her husband's apologize.
"Polina.Maybe you think the little girl is stupid,and of course, the rumors didn't help at all,but have you ever wondered,if this little girl is pretending?

Polina looks at her husband as if he is mocking her.Gatlin keep talking "Maybe you didn't notice, but I did.When the [l/n] family visited us, i noticed some interesting things about the girl.Do you remember when she got 'scared' of me and hid behind her mother?Yes, the expression on her face,she was scared..but her eyes...her eyes told another story,they threatened me, provoked me, they looked at me with arrogance and superiority" Polina rolls her eyes "Nonsense.Her eyes?How stupid"

Gatlin sighs "But when I showed them the garden? How is it possible that the little girl touched ALL the flowers, but absolutely none of the poisoned ones? and no one warned her..so she knew"
Polina remained silent,so Gatlin he continued to speak "Exactly, if [y/n] was as stupid as the rumors say, she would have touched the poisoned flowers, especially since they looked pretty"

Polina sighs "Okay then, let's say you're right. [y/n] is smart. Now what?"
"Smart?No.She is a genius.Besides, I think she would make a small contribution to the death of the Baron de Via" Polina remains shocked "The baron's death??She's just a child!Gatlin!You're crazy!"


"I know!I will run away from home!" [y/n] said and pulls out an old bag from under her bed. "Of course,I won't go too far because i'm 'stupid'.But I am convinced that after the Dostoevsky family finds out about my mischief, they will give up the marriage" [y/n] tells Annabelle "And if they won't....at least i will have a little break away from all these idiots"
[y/n] put a penknife, a first aid kit, some food, a flashlight, matches and a few other necessary things in the old  bag.Then she puts on a black cape.
"Bye Annabelle,take care of my things" [y/n] tells Annabelle and sneaks down the halls of the Dostoievsky family mansion.

It was night, so most of them were sleeping.In the garden was a tree right next to the high fence, [y/n] planned to climb the tree,and then climb the fence.The fence was high, but she knew that if she jumps there was a river below and it would cushion her fall.
[y/n] manages to reach the garden without being noticed. Happy, she starts to climb the tree.

"What are you doing?" She hears a voice and falls from the tree.It was Fyodor.He was in his pajamas and was looking at her quietly, with amusement and curiosity.[y/n] rises from the ground and sighs "Fyodor! You scared me!" "My apologies, but are you trying to run away?I didn't know I was so insufferable!" He teased,making the little girl huff. "No,idiot!I don't want to marry anyone! That's why I've been fooling around all my life! And they will still force me to marry...." She sits down at the base of the tree and hugs her knees.Fyodor sits down next to her and rubs her back "Come on, [y/n] dear,all girls our age want to get married" "I don't care!" She says stubbornly "You don't even want to marry me? Out of all of them, I understand you the best.I promise I'll be a good husband, okay?" Fyodor says gently and [y/n] looked at him "But I want to be like one of those strong, independent women who run businesses alone! And all men be afraid to lay eyes on me! And then the world give me a mysterious name like-" Fyodor couldn't help himself any longer and started laughing "Oh [y/n] you are a smart girl, but sometimes really stupid" [y/n] pouted and Fyodor gives her a kiss on the cheek "Come on, promise me you won't try to run away again. I know you can take care of yourself, but it's nighttime and it's dangerous for a 10-year-old girl to walk unsupervised in the shadows of the night." "But-" "Promise me" [y/n] sighs and nods "I promise" Fyodor smiles and takes her hand "Let's go back to the mansion"

They both get up and walk towards the mansion "You will sleep with me tonight.I know you've been having nightmares lately" Fyodor says while leading the girl to his room. "Eh??But I didn't tell anyone!" "It was obvious" "It wasn't" "Yes, it was" "No,it wasn't"
Fyodor gives up,there was no way to argue with her,and she was only a 10-year-old girl..imagine when she becomes a mother-in-law.


[y/n] runs through the halls of the Dostoievsky family mansion.One of the maids came scared to her. She told her that she saw Fyodor entering in his father's office, where Gatlin and Polina,his parents, were having a conversation.Then,the maid heard his mother scream...

[y/n] quickly run to Gatlin's office.She knows, Fyodor is a little...crazy?a little restless lately.As the years passed, Fyodor became a bit...obsessed..Fyodor shared with [y/n] that God is telling him to do all of this.Who was she to judge? She let him do what he wanted.She watched him kill his friends and relatives, and when she received the news she pretended to be surprised and saddened.She attended their funeral, and cried falsely but with great conviction.
But was Fyodor going to go that far?He killed them all.And now the last ones left were his parents...and her.

[y/n] arrives in front of Gatlin's office and opened the doors.His father was lying on the floor next to his desk, dead. His face was mutilated and full of blood...
"Fyodor's ability..." [y/n] thinks and her eyes fly towards his mother, Polina,who  was lying in the couch in the same situation as her husband.

Fyodor was standing in the middle of the room,looking at his parents without regret.His face,hands and clothes were spattered with blood.When he heard the doors open,he turns and looks at [y/n] calmly. "[y/n]...dear..."

[y/n] takes a few steps back,looking at Fyodor uncertainly. "Fyodor...what are you doing?" "..I do what the Lord commanded me" He said and walks towards her,and puts his hands on her cheeks,smearing them with blood.
"[y/n]...my dear Myshka...You understand why I do this, don't you?" He smiles warmly and strokes her cheeks. "God told me to do this...to get rid of them...but Myshka..i'm just a sinner,a simple man,I can't even accomplish the task...I should kill you too,Myshka" He kissed her softly on the lips "But i can't bring myself to kill you, Myshka..." He whispers.[y/n] doesn't say anything.

"I'm sure that the Lord will forgive His poor servant for making a small exception..Don't you think?" Fyodor  gives her a kiss on the forehead.
[y/n] sighs "I don't even know what to say... What will you do with their bodies?" Fyodor smiles "Don't worry about it, Myshka.Everything is already resolved.And now, go and pack your bags..we're going in Japan"

"Japan?Why?" [y/n] ask and raise a eyebrow.Fyodor chuckles "You'll see,my dear."

"We will change humanity, We will change people. We will make history."

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