Fyodor Dostoievsky-AU

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Fyodor x Troublemaker


  "Henderson?" The teacher asks.


Silence.The teacher looks around the classroom to find her.
[y/n] was sleeping in her desk, next to me.Her head was on the desk and the hair covered her face.My uniform kept them warm.
The teacher noticed that and started walking towards us.She tried to wake [y/n] up,but [y/n] slept like a hibernating bear.

The two girls in front of us were giggling,to my knowledge,they weren't on good terms with [y/n].One was blonde,she always annoys me, she always tries to get my attention.It's annoying to see her humilating herself.She always throw tantrums when she sees that I pay attention to [y/n], when all [y/n] does is avoiding me. The other, a brunette, supported the blonde in everything she did, they bullied, they gossiped and made my life bitter.

The teacher looked at me with pleading eyes, seeing that she couldn't wake [y/n] up.I smiled faintly and I whisper in [y/n] ear "...[y/n]..they have a picture of you in the maid dress and they are going to show it to the whole school..." I see [y/n] woke up immediately.She looked around confused, trying to process what was happening.
The teacher gives me a small nod and he looked at [y/n] with a scolding look.Then, the teacher's jaw dropped.

Why?Well, there are four classes of third year students.Each class has a color attributed to the ties we wore.The classes are always mixed with each other, and each student has a different schedule. [y/n] and I aren't in the same class ,unfortunately.My class color is blue, and [y/n]'s class color is red.

But,the tie [y/n] was wearing was not red, it was blue.

Everyone in the class started laughing and giggling.I think I could guess what everyone is thinking since I am seen very often with [y/n].We can say the tie wasn't mine,but it had my initials stitched on it.
[y/n] was very confused.Why was everyone laughing? Why was the teacher amazed? Why was I grinning at her like an idiot?

The teacher returns to her desk without scolding [y/n], she was too amazed.
The blonde turns to us and gives [y/n] a sharp look, to which [y/n] rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek to annoy her.
The blonde's cheeks turned red from angryness and turned back to her desk.

I look at [y/n] with a smirk and I gesture to my lips.

[y/n] huffs "No." "Buttttt-" "I said no"
I sigh and i lean my back on my chair,giving the impression that I have given up.Then I turn back to face her and I kiss her on the lips.


  ***After classes are over.At the Dostoevsky residence***

I sit down at the table.A big table, full of all kinds of goodies and dishes.The only chairs were at the ends of the table, mine and my father's.There was no maid...only [y/n],since I only need her.[y/n] was wearing her maid dress as usual and was looking at me as if she would strangle me if she could.

My old man has started to eat, and motions for me to start too.I look at [y/n] with a grin.

"Feed me" [y/n] huffs and put her hand on a spoon to start serving me the soup.

"No.With your mouth." My father sighs and looks at me "You're still harassing the poor girl?" I smile innocently "We have evolved,she kissed me today"

[y/n] shakes her head contemptuous and my father looked at her kindly. "You can go have lunch with the other maids,[y/n].I'm sorry if Fyodor made you uncomfortable, you know he's a spoiled brat."

[y/n] bows her head "Thank you,sir.But before I go,can i ask you to sign a document? I have a class trip and i need a parent or legal guardian's signature..you know.." My father interrupts her "I understand,[y/n].Bring it to me at the end of the day.I'll sign it"

I can see a small smile on her face and I can't help but smile too.[y/n] doesn't smile often, but I understand.Her smile would turn any person's mind upside down.

"Thank you." She bowed again and left  the room.

Now I was left alone with my father.We continued to eat quietly for a while until he spoke "How was school today?"

"Good." Our conversations during the meal were always awkward.

"What grades do you have?"

"Only the highest."

"I'm glad." He pause a bit "And [y/n]?"

"She has decent grades"

My father nods "I feel bad that she doesn't have time to study.[y/n] is a good girl.She has a good memory and is smart,but the fact that she has to do her chores every day puts her at a disadvantage."


Silence again.

He sigh. "Fyodor.." He stops eating and puts down the eating utensils."I am old and will die soon. My business will be your inheritance.I am convinced that you will be a good leader and you will expand the business."

I smiled, I know the old man. "What is the point of this conversation,father?"

He laughs and looks at me with a serious face "Take care of [y/n],Fyodor"


It was dark in my room.The only light was the lamp on my desk that I was using to be able to write in the dark.I hear a soft knock on the door.

"Get in"

The door opens and [y/n] enters,closing the door behind her.She was dressed in her pajamas and had an adorable sleepy face. "You sent for me?"

"Yes,come here.I need your company."

[y/n] sighs and pulls a chair next to my seat and sits down next to me.She looks at the papers on my desk. "What are you doing at midnight?" "Your homework"

She looked a little surprised "My homework?"

"Well, you take care of me and I do your homework.What a beautiful arrangement."

"You are an idiot" "I'm your idiot who loves you"

She remains silent a few seconds. "Why did you call me?"

"I felt alone,or maybe I just wanted to annoy you a little" I smirk and i wrap my arms around her waist and I lean towards her. "When are you going to serve me dinner?"

"You haven't eaten?Idiot."

"Of course not, I expected you to feed me with your mouth" I smirk teasingly and she huffs "Only in your dreams,Romeo"

"Why can't you be my Juliet?"

"I'm allergic to idiots" "Aww,you are so meannnn" I looked at her with a serious face "Do you know that my father  agrees with me to marry you? He really supports me."

"Hmm..." [y/n] sighs.

"You will be Mrs. Dostoevsky,yeah?You can't argue with that."

"Fine.." She said and smiles at me.


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