Sakunosuke Oda-AU

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'The essence of love is beautiful, like a delicate flower that blooms in the spring and fills the world with its fragrance. Love is pure and sweet, like a gentle rain that refreshes the parched earth.
Love is the ultimate joy in life, the one thing that makes everything else worth striving for.
But love can also be bittersweet, like a delicate flower that withers and dies in the winter..'

Somewhere, in a place unknown to people, there was a school.But not just any kind of school.Here, students prepare to fulfill their destinies.Snow White, Cinderella... princesses, princes, but also werewolves, vampires, ghosts, mystical creatures. Like any student, [y/n] tried everything to help others in their lives,because she was known as 'Cupid' and her job was to bring love.
She was nice to everyone, always ready to help and make others smile.

The bell rings announcing the lunch break.[y/n] makes her way through the students.She strode towards the cafeteria.
Here her friends were sitting at a table, eating, talking, gossiping, putting on their lipstick..
[y/n] sits down at the table and starts eating and raises an eyebrow as from the moment she sat down everyone was silent and all her friends look at her.
"Huat?" She grunts with her mouth full.

Belle puts a newspaper in front of her. The school newspaper.Every week a new issue of the school newspaper appeared.[y/n] wasn't too interested in all the drama, so she didn't read the newspaper too often.[y/n] take it in her hand and starts reading the title written in capital letters.


[y/n] raises an eyebrow and sips her milk slowly as she reads.
"Krúdy published this a few minutes ago.All the students are worried and making a fuss." Beatrix explained.
"It may be a lie, but the teachers collect the newspapers from the students and say it's not true.If it wasn't true, they wouldn't insisted that everyone hand in the papers, just for some false information." Bella adds.
"Not to mention the fact that Krúdy was dragged by the teachers into the principal's office and didn't came back." One of the girls said.
"Is it all just a coincidence?I mean, the teachers invented all kinds of excuses for the fact that the students are absent!Spektor wouldn't transfer to another school without letting me know and saying goodbye! He hasn't even responded to my messages in 3 days! He would never do that to me!" Halley says and starts to cry,making the girls around her try to calm her down.

[y/n] finished reading the article and at the same time the milk. She takes a breath, throws the newspaper on the table and stands up suddenly. "HALLEY!" She shouted in a loud commanding tone.Everyone was looking at her, including people from other tables who heard the shout. When Halley's gaze met hers, [y/n] smiled.
"I promise I will find Spektor and bring him back! Along with the others who are missing!"

After finishing lunch, [y/n] headed to the students' bedrooms. Of course, she knew that she would not be able to find the missing people alone.She needed help.
She stops in front of a door on which is written 'Odasaku and Krúdy'.
All the students lived here in the school. The girls' bedrooms were in one part of the school and the boys' bedrooms in the opposite part. Usually everyone had to have a roommate.
[y/n] knew that most likely Odasaku is in his room.That's what he did every break,he sat in his room as a recluse from the world.
Of course, that didn't stop [y/n] from always bothering him. If he ever locked the door, she would come in through the window. (She actually did it a few times,but Odasaku reported her to the principal for 'breaking and trespassing on private property' so she had to stop)

[y/n] knock on the door "Odasaku-kunnn! You are here??"

"I'm not.Don't enter." Odasaku's voice is heard from inside. Of course [y/n] walked in. "Odasaku-kun! I-" "No." As soon as [y/n] tried to say what she wanted, he shut her mouth. He was lying in his bed with his eyes closed. A black book next to him.
"No?" [y/n] scoffs. "But I need your help,Death!"
"Don't call me by that name,Cupid."
[y/n] started trying to annoy him: pulling his legs, hitting him with a pillow, pretending to cry.Finally Odasaku lets out an annoyed sigh,that was the sign that [y/n] had won.

[y/n] claps her hands and explains why she came to him,and what she wants him to do.
The plan was that they would investigate during the night in secret. They had to find the missing ones.
They discovered that all those missing people were only boys,and something very important, they were all part of the basketball team.
The only one left from the basketball team was Relt.[y/n] and Odasaku investigated and interrogated everybody.[y/n] thought Krudy was the main culprit, yet every time she said something about Krudy,Odasaku was acting weird and telling her it was a stupid idea.

At the moment, [y/n] is sitting on a bench in the yard.It's night and everything is wilderness.She sighs. Krudy was the impostor. She knew. All the evidence pointed to that. But what were his motives? Why did he kidnap all these boys? She knew them well, she was a cheerleader after all. The boys were always cheerful and funny...Oh yes.. she remembered. Once Krudy wanted to join the basketball team, but Relt, the captain, made fun of him..How could she forget!

[y/n] immediately got up from the bench. Relt was in danger! She started running quickly towards the boys' bedrooms. How could she be so reckless? How could she be so blind?Relt was in danger. She knew from the beginning. Krudy was a kidnapper..a murderer..and yet she took no action. Why? Because she trusted Odasaku. Odasaku didn't think his roommate could do such things.. Odasaku trusted him!

[y/n] knock on the door loudly. "Relt!Relt!" She says agitatedly "Please open the door!"
She was praying, hoping nothing happened to him.And everything was fine.Relt opens the door. He only had a pair of shorts on and his hair was tousled. "Oh? Princess? What happened?What are you doing here so late?" He grins. "Do not tell me! You finally thought to accept my proposal and give me a chance! Well, I didn't expect to have any guests, but I welcome you gladly!" He winks.

[y/n] sighs. Everything was fine. She smiles.She could feel the coolness of the night,probably through an open window, because she couldn't see in the room because it was dark. "Relt. I just wanted to see you. But you know, it's not so good to sleep with the window open, it's spring, and yet the air is still cold."

Relt raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I didn't open any windows, princess-"
At that moment,Relt falls to the floor, unconscious. [y/n] froze.She wanted to scream, but she couldn't. She was too scared and everything was happening too fast. The last thing she saw was a person.. a shadow.. someone in the dark.. 'Krudy..I knew it..' she whispers and passes out.


"...Love is the ultimate joy in life, the one thing that makes everything else worth striving for. But love can also be bittersweet, like a delicate flower that withers and dies in the winter.." he said.

[y/n] opened her eyes.Where was her? She didn't know very well. Her hands and feet were tied to the chair she was sitting on. She raised her head, and when her eyes got used to the light she saw him...Odasaku.

"Wha...What happened??Odasaku? Why am I here? Why am I tied up??What happened to Relt?"

"A little worried about him? We can say that I sent him to heaven." Odasaku said calmy with his hands on his hips,a gun in his hand.[y/n] was spechless. "You... you killed him? Did you kill them all? Why odasaku?? why.."

"Well,they say that love is dear [y/n]."

"No,'re crazy!You're a criminal! An obsessed criminal!"

"Obssesed with you? How could I not be."
He walks over to her and grabs her chin and lifts her head up. "Now..why don't we stop? Why are we pretending... they're out, aren't they? Waiting for your signal to  rush arrest me.You knew from the beginning, didn't you [y/n]?

[y/n] looks into his eyes. "I knew..and I told them.You are a criminal after all, Odasaku."

"I did everything for you,[y/n]. To see them flirting with you without any shame every day... it was driving me completely crazy."

"I know I know.." [y/n] sighs and both remain silent for a while.

"You will visit me in prison?" Odasaku studdently asked.

"Daily.I promise."

"And when I get out... we can start all over again?"

"Of course..I will wait for you."

They kissed as the police rushed in,pointing guns at him.
"Drop the weapon and keep your distance from the young lady!"

Odasaku doesn't say anything. He takes one last look at her while the police arrest him.

He was going to fulfill his destiny.

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