Ryūnosuke Akutagawa-AU

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Raindrops fall fast from the sky,soaking her uniform.[y/n] ran to the bus stop with the bag over her head.She had an umbrella, but the bus stop was close to the school so she didn't bother to use it,and anyway the strong wind would have taken it out of her hand.
The weathermen announced rain and storms all week.[y/n] wasn't happy.Rainy days were like a curse for her.She could imagine how the water droplets would wet the wooden floor.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she reached the bus stop.[y/n] sat down on the bench.Apparently there was someone else who took shelter from the rain.A old man with gray hair.He was dressed in a dark blue suit and the letter A was sewn on his black tie.He had a gentle look and looked at the rain from the bench with a small smile.In his hand he had a walking stick with an interesting, maybe even unique model.

The old man looks at [y/n] and smiles. "Excuse me miss, what time does the nearest bus come?"

[y/n] was surprised that the old man addressed her but answers him immediately.
"In about 5-10 minutes, sir."

"I see... too bad I forgot my wallet at the hotel and I have nothing to pay with.." The man sighs and smiles at her. "It seems everyone has bad days,sir." [y/n] add.

"How so, dear miss?" The old man looked interested in what the girl had to say.

"Where do I start, Santa?(I hope you don't mind me saying so, but you give me the impression that you would make a wonderful Santa.)My family is poor.My mother has a lung disease that she cannot get rid of.I also have a younger sister.She always worries and tries to help in any way she can.I told her to focus on school because i would manage on my own.But I think I tried to lie to myself....My mother can't do everything by herself with her small salary, that's why I study a lot for the school scholarship. But there's a guy at school! His name is Akutagawa. He's so annoying! We always argue. (Usually he wins)."

"Akutagawa? Is it the Akutagawa family? One of the richest families and organizations that exist in the country? What can I say, little girl! What a formidable opponent you have chosen!But you know that saying? Opposite poles attract each other." The old man laughs a little at her.

"Don't laugh! I understand what you are trying to imply! But I am 100% that this is not about any love!"
"Well, most of the time,these 'enemies' become 'non-enemies',little girl."

[y/n] sighs. "If you say so... I wanted to say.This guy Akutagawa,it's very damned.Today, in gym class, I was talking with a colleague, we were having fun, laughing together.And then, out of nowhere, and for no reason, Akutagawa throws a ball in my colleague's face!"

The man was listening to her carefully.For whatever reason, [y/n] regretted telling a stranger what was going on in her life.

"Well,little girl.I can say you have an interesting life."  Probably the two of them would have talked more if the bus didn't arrive at that very moment.

[y/n] put some money in his hand, just enough for the bus ticket. "Look, Santa.You can take my bus money.I can walk, I'm young and a little rain won't hurt me! You, on the other hand, are older. Accept this from me!"

The man didn't have time to answer and [y/n] already started running towards her house through the rain.The man followed her with his eyes with a smile,but he didn't get on the bus.The bus went on.
A black limousine stopped at the bus station.A tall, big, muscular man,got down and opened the door. "Hello Mr. Akutagawa!" The old man nods and gets into the car.
Ryūnosuke Akutagawa was already here.He was reading something from a magazine.
"Grandfather." He looked at his grandfather curiously, waiting. The old man makes himself comfortable while the limousine continues to move.

"[y/n] [l/n].An interesting girl...She deserves the name Akutagawa.We will pay them a visit.Right now.We have no time to waste."


[y/n] sighs.Why did she give the money to the old man? What the? Was she a millionaire somehow? She liked to do extreme sports like running in a terrible rain?Stupid girl.She's already been running for 30 minutes and feels like she can't do it anymore. It took about 10 minutes by bus.
Stupid girl.Does she feel like she's some kind of savior? But who saves her?

Finally,she approaches her house.There was a limousine in front of the house.
"Akutagawa! What is he doing here??Don't tell me! Did he really come to sue me for breathing in his direction?? I can't believe it!"

[y/n] rush into the house.In one of their small rooms,Akutagawa was sitting at the table.He was drinking some tea.Her mother and sister sat across from him.
When [y/n] entered in the room, the mother greeted her immediately.Akutagawa didn't even bother to look at her.
"Mother? What happens?" [y/n] asked,worried.

"[y/n], you won't believe this.The Akutagawa family wants you to be the future Mrs. Akutagawa!" Her mother says, very happy.She felt honored to know that such an honorable family as the Akutagawa family even thought of her daughter!

[y/n] was speechless. "Wha.... What do you mean?And what is he doing in our house???Mom?!"
Her mother puts her hand on Akutagawa's shoulder. "I can't believe this...What do you think,[y/n]? This is my future son-in-law!"
Her jaw dropped. "What.. Mother.Explain to me right now what's going on!"

Akutagawa finishes his tea and got up from the table. "Thanks for the tea." He walks towards the door and stops in front of [y/n]. He looked at her calmly. "What happens?You want to know what's going on?Looks like you're my new fiancee.I know that no matter how much you want to refuse, you won't be able to.A marriage with me would be too beneficial for your family.Take care, you are mine from now on."

Akutagawa left.Leaving [y/n] shocked,stunned and lost in thought.


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