Mark Twain

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PS:They're kids.The event does not occur in modern times.This chapter is inspired by the book 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' by Mark Twain.
In the small fair in the small town of St.Petersburg, the naughty deeds of Mark Twain came out of every mouth.What did the little bugger do this time? He got into a fight with the son of the new judge.How and why this happened, no one knows.The only witness was [y/n] who could only say what they said since she had her hands over her eyes the whole time.

-If I want, I'll beat you up!
-Try, if you can!
-Why can't I?
-Because you can't!
-I can't?..
-You see, no!
-I can very well!
-You can't!
-I can!
-You can't!
-What's your name?
-Why do you care? Do you have something to share with me?
-I'll show you what I have and what I don't have!
-Then show me!
-Tell that again and see what happens!
-Look,i say it again!
-You think you're smart, huh? If I want, I'll crush you.
-Really? I'd like to see this too.
-Well, you'll see how much I'll beat you, if you keep acting crazy.
-Don't say any more! I'm dying of fear!
-Smartass! Look at his hat!
-What do you have with my hat? Swallow it if you don't like it! Want to touch her.. Who dares, I turn him to dust!
-You are the braggart!
-You're a liar, that's all, and you're afraid to fight.
-Me, fear? I fight with you with only one hand.
-You see now!
-Let's see you! You only know how to talk, that's all you know! Why don't you hit? Because of fear?
-Well, I'm not afraid at all.
-You are!
-Get out of here!
-Get out of here!
-I don't even think.
-Me neither.
Then they started fighting.They stopped for a few seconds to threaten each other again.
-You're a coward! I'll tell my big brother about you.See what he will do to you! He can crush you with just one finger!
-I have a brother older than yours, and if he wants, he will throw your brother over a fence!
(Both brothers were made up)
And they fought again.Mark won and the boy went home.That's all what [y/n] said.

However, Mark only fought with that boy 'to defend [y/n] because the boy was bothering her,of course not jealousy, not at all'.[y/n] was a shy,pretty girl,and even though Mark Twain was the naughtiest of all boys,he liked her.It's not like he's going to admit it.

However, his actions betrayed him every time.Today, during the recreation break, all the children were outside playing.Only [y/n] was in the class.She came to get something here, and noticed Professor Flaubert's book on his desk.All the students knew how much the teacher valued this book, he always read it, but he never told them what it was about or why he was reading it.
Usually ,[y/n] was a good little girl,but the desire to see what the book was about was stronger than the desire to remain good.

She went to the desk and opened the book and started reading.There was a sound, and [y/n] flinched and accidentally tore a page.She was afraid of being caught reading it,but she also destroyed it![y/n] quickly puts the page in the book and closes it,then run outside.But she didn't know that Mark saw everything through the window.
The break is over and all the children go back to their seats.(There was no school in their town, so they used the smallest church building.)[y/n] tries to calm down, saying that she will confess to him after class and he will forgive her.But when Professor Flaubert noticed that the page was torn, he became terribly angry.He started taking all the students in turn and asking them the same question 'Did you tear the page out of my book?'. Professor Flaubert had a special talent, he could tell when someone was lying just by looking at him for a second after asking the question.He started asking the girls.

"Beatrix. Did you tear the page out of my book?."


"Agatha.Did you tear the page out of my book?."


[y/n] was red.She was just looking at her lap, trying not to cry. Then the teacher asks her,but it is interrupted. "[y/n]. Did you-"

"I DID IT!" Professor Flaubert looked among the boys. Mark Twain was standing and looking at him seriously. "I did it."
Professor Flaubert did not wait long. He gave Mark a good beating,punished him, and he was going to tell his parents, and then ask for a compensation.

But Mark doesn't care.It's not the first time he was beaten at school, he was used to it.And anyway, for three months, as long as the punishment lasted,[y/n] was always with him.Mark Twain had to come two hours early to collect wood from the forest, carry it to school, and start the fire in the stove before the other children arrived.He always had to clean the classroom after class, to sweep and wash. But it was okay, because [y/n] was always with him, trying to help him (she wasn't doing a very good job).[y/n] greatly appreciated what Mark had done for her,and was trying to return the favor.

-After many years-

Mark grew up.He was the same cheeky and smart boy.As the years passed, his love for [y/n] never faded.He started courting her, but her parents did not approve him.

However, one night, he made a move.

Mrs. Halley was running down the stairs like a madwoman. She completely forgot what she always told her girls, to always behave like, ladies, with manners.
She went out of the house, and looked far away on the hills outside the village, with all the people gathered together. Two figures disappear into the darkness of the night.
"Stop him! Stop him! Mark Twain is leaving and taking my dear child [y/n] with him!" She was shouting at the top of her lungs and passed out.

"Or rather she leaves with him willingly." Someone said.

"Look on the bright side, we got rid of Mark Twain!"

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