Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

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Love?Love is nothing more than a delusion born of a desire to possess something. A false emotion that holds you back from achieving true strength. Love is weakness.Love is useless.I don't need love-

"Akutagawa-kun!" A voice interrupts my thoughts.I see [y/n] running towards me with a small smile on her face.Does this girl never tire of annoying me?She hands me a box of chocolates.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" For a moment, I thought to take the box,but she informed me in time. "It's from Higuchi.She was too shy to give it to you in person,so I decided to help her!" So it's not from [y/n]...I'm not disappointed or anything.

She coughs.Oh yeah..[y/n] has some rare disease.From what they say, it seems that lately she is feeling better, and soon no one will have to worry.However, from my point of view, she looks a little paler and weaker...

I turn my back on her and start walking away. "Akutagawa-kun!You can not do that!Higuchi put effort into them! Don't be rude! At least taste one!" [y/n] follows me and expresses her displeasure at my rude behavior.She's always like this. She acts like a damn big sister. No matter how mean I am to her, and no matter how much I insult her...she just ignores me and goes on like nothing happened.

I stop and turn to face her,causing [y/n] to slam into me.She was about to fall but I wrapped my arm around her waist,keeping her on her feet.I bring my face closer to hers. "I'm the bad one?Looks like everyone in the port mafia  got chocolate from you today, except me.Instead, you came here to deliver chocolate for another person?What do you have to say in your defense,[y/n]?"

She was speechless.Her cheeks were red and she was looking at me with wide eyes.And of course she responded with.. "I'm sorry, Akutagawa-kun! I thought you wouldn't want to receive chocolate from me! You're always mean and sarcastic and ...I'm sorry." She smiles. "I'll make some chocolates for you right now!"

I wasn't surprised. She always behaved like that.[y/n] gives me an idiotic grin, hands me the box of chocolates from Higuchi and runs away.Yeah,she tricked me again.


Right now, I'm accompanying Chuuya back from a mission.

"How is it going with [y/n]?" He asks me.

"As usual." I answer calmly and i cough.

"I think you should confess."

I look at him.Confess?Confess what?
Chuuya sighs. "You know what I mean.Confess your feelings for her."

"I don't like her."

"Oh yeah? You don't love her and I don't like dogs." Chuuya replies sarcastically.
"Well, since you don't love her, that means you won't care if she leave the P.M."

I narrow my eyes.'She leave the PM?'What should this mean?Leave? She leave?I glare at Chuuya,waiting for an explanation.

"You see my dear boy. One of the guys we're doing business with has his eye on [y/n]. Mori won't hesitate to sell or trade her for a good price-"  As soon as these words came out of his mouth, I didn't wait for him to finish, I immediately left and I started walking towards [y/n]'s apartment.

Chuuya was chuckling, and I could feel a smirk on his face. "That's right, as you say. You don't love her at all."

While I was walking towards [y/n]'s apartment,I thought about what Chuuya said.Did I love her?The truth is, I had a strange feeling in my stomach every time she was around.It somehow always got to my mind.I always caught myself trying to run into her or look at her without her knowing.Love is weakness.I don't need love..but-
I knock on the door of her apartment.[y/n] opens it and when she sees me she smiles widely. She was wearing an apron and she had some flour on her face.

"Akutag-.." I put my hands on her shoulders and pull her closer. "Don't go.Don't leave me alone here.I need you."

[y/n] blushes and giggled. "But I'm not going anywhere."

I look at her. "But Chuuya said..." I stopped and my face turned red in embarrassment.I looked away.Chuuya lied.

"What did he say?"


She rolled her eyes and pulled me inside. "Let's say I believe you.I finished the chocolate for you!Do you want to taste??"

She grinned at me.She is so cute.I nod and let [y/n] pull me after her.I will never tell her, but I love spending this time with her.

I don't need love...but love feels nice.


"I love you,[y/n]." I told her grave.I regret now that I didn't tell her in time.But I didn't realize my own feelings either...

"I love you,I always did." I place a bouquet of flowers on her grave and i let out a cough.

"Don't worry...I will follow you shortly ...wait for me..[y/n]." I cough again.

------------------------The End------------------------

"Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had."

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