xviii. bombers

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xviii | bombers

xviii | bombers

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          "𝕹ow, what is that sad face for?" Celeste paused at the familiar voice, before twisting around with a large grin. Walburga stood in the doorway to the common room, her face split into a smile that was most unbecoming for a pureblood witch.

"B!" Celeste slammed her book down, jumping up as Walburga rushed over. They met in the middle, both laughing and clinging onto each other as they reunited. Pulling back, Celeste grinned. "You look happy."

"Happy to be back. Oh, Cece, it was such a bore without you." Walburga sighed, before pressing a kiss to each cheek. "I am so glad to see you."

They both laughed, before a smaller body joined in on their hug as Amelie appeared.

"Girls, never let me go home again or drink alcohol." Amelia chuckled, kissing their cheeks. "Fran, Nedra, they're here. Fran has great news!"

"Did he...?" Celeste trailed off as Amelia nodded and giggled. Nedra swept in first, smiling as she said hello, holding a bag of gifts from her time at home before Fran appeared.

"Are you all waiting for me?"

"Celeste needs to see the ring." Nedra explained as Fran blushed and held her hand out. Celeste grabbed it, all of the girls looking at Fran's hand to admire the ring. It was golden with a beautiful diamond in the middle, not too big or small, but surrounded by other smaller diamonds. All in all, Mulciber had done an incredible job for the ring fit Fran to a T.

"It's stunning, Fran."

"He did such a good job." Amelie grinned.

"How did he propose?" Celeste questioned her friend, who was blushing at all the attention.

"It was Christmas Eve, we were walking in my garden at home and he just got down on one knee and he proposed." Fran grinned, blushing harder. "He was supposed to do it the day after, that's what he told me, in front of our own families but then he told me that he wanted to propose for just me and him and it was perfect, and snowy and oh, it was beautiful."

All the girls cooed, somewhat proud of Mulciber, who had been so incredibly nervous about all of this and how Fran would react.

"It also makes sense with all the jewellery that you got me." Fran smiled at them all. "They all match the ring and you four are so sneaky. I did not even know that you had done that with Angus."

"It was his idea." Walburga explained. "He should get the credit."

Celeste laughed, before turning to grab her book and help the other with their things to get to their dorm. She returned to her seat, finding Riddle emerging from the corridor to his dormitories, looking at the group of girls.

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