vii. slips and trips

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vii | slips and trips

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          "𝕸orning." Celeste groaned as Walburga pulled the curtains open, cold air slipping into her bed and chilling the sixteen year old to the core. Walburga pulled Celeste's cover up, shuffling down underneath the cover to join her friend.

"It's too early for this, B." Celeste groaned. She had got tired of having to pronounce Walburga's entire name, growing far too lazy, so had shortened it to B. Walburga had not been best impressed, but had relented when Celeste reminded her the other option was Wallis.

That had gone down far worse with the other woman.

"What is it?"

"It's Halloween and you are still in bed." Walburga pointed out.

"It's a Sunday." Celeste muttered, opening an eye to glare at the woman, who was untying the silk scarf around her head to make sure the curls had stayed in place overnight. "Leave me be."

"I do wish you'd let me curl your hair, Cece, it would be beautiful." Once Walburga had accepted B as a nickname, she had decided that it was only fair that Celeste got one too, thus Cece had been born.

"Christmas, maybe I'll let you at my hair but only if you let me sleep in now."

"Then I shall have to wait much longer because I want you up now." Walburga pointed out, before prodding the girl, who groaned and batted her away. "Come on, Cece, it's Halloween, the castle is alive at the moment and we will be able to see none of it stuck here, in our dorm."

"Pester the others."

"They have already gone to breakfast. It's the first day of Hogsmeade trips and you are going to make us late."

"B, nothing is going to change in Hogsmeade in the brief moments that my lie in continues. In fact, nothing will have even sold out."

"That is not the point." Walburga groaned, as Celeste sat up to glare at her. "See, was that so hard?"

"I hope you know that next time you ask for help on an essay, I will say no."

"Seems a tad over dramatic and out of proportion." Walburga pointed out as Celeste found her clothes for the day, neatly ironed and pressed. They had been warming by the fire in the corner of the room, as most of their clothes often were, and she was pleased to find that the trousers she was wearing that day were warm, warm enough for the walk to Hogsmeade. Shimmying them on over her underwear, she tucked her jumper and shirt in, before grabbing her coat and shoes and sitting down to do her hair and makeup.

In the time it took her to do that, Walburga was dressed, her hair was styled and she was spritzing perfume on.

"I still do not like this. It is a Sunday." Celeste followed her friend out, wand in her pocket as they strode along. For once, Halloween was sunny with a winter sun high in the sky, and a slight, brisk breeze, meaning that both women had sunglasses with them as well as their coats.

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