Chapter 14 - Chaos inducing dare

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Started: 11:11pm
Tw: swearing

Ashton's pov
"You sure you're ok to go back out?" One of the school nurses that helped fix myself up and all that after getting knocked out asked for the 100th time. "I'm sure I'll be fine, I promise," I said, looking to her with a sweet smile, to which she just nodded with a small sigh. I quickly bid her a small bye, going out the room and through the office, back out into the school grounds.
I chucked my bag on my back, walking out into the quad before making my way to the grass area, going to the usual spot we all sat at and sitting down on the dirt ground next to Violet who was also sat on the ground.

"You ok now, Ashton?" Luna asked me, to which I nodded to, the others abruptly adding on and also asking if I was ok. "He was running really fucking fast to catch up to you, Ashton," Violet chimed in, snickering along with the others a little at that small thing they remembered.
"He was?" I asked them, Kai replying back while laughing, "yup! It was a pretty fucking funny sight to see as well," she added on, my mind suddenly just making me think of how that would look, making me snicker a little myself at just the thought of it. We continued to speak through the half hour break, mostly joking around and all that, just being our usual selves without any interruptions from any people. Soon enough though the bell started to ring, signifying we had to make it over to the indoor pools that were down behind the big hall and in a seperate block.

"RACE YOU THERE, LOSERS!" Kai shouted, starting to sprint off out the grass area and towards the pools. "NOT FUCKING FAIR!" Cyrus shouted, running off right after her, the others soon following along while I just grabbed my bag and walked, not having the energy to run after them.
It took me a minute or two to actually get over there, and once I did the others, well, more specifically Kai and Leo teased me about being slow, and I think other things that I didn't really catch. Soon enough the teacher came out, inviting us inside before we went into the changing rooms to change into our swimmers.

This was a new teacher, since the last one was on break, I think for personal reasons or something the students got told. Once everyone was all changed into their swimmers and back out into the actual pool room and sat on the silver seats down the side, the teacher started speaking of what we were doing in the pool today. The new teacher was a minute or two into talking until he abruptly stopped like mid-sentence, looking straight over to me and saying, "you're not supposed to be wearing that," "wearing what?" I asked with confusion, not knowing what he was referring to when he said that.
"That shirt," I was taken aback by his answer, not knowing I wasn't meant to be wearing it.

"Why?" "Because it's one of my rules," he answered back sternly, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared me straight in the eyes. "What do you mean, 'it's one of your rules'?" "I reckon it's pretty clear, it's plainly one of my rules, don't question them." "But that rule is kinda stupid, don't you think? Like, it's just a swimming shirt, why can't I wear it??" "Because I said so. So you either take it off, or get out!" He said, raising his voice a little, causing me to scoff in response, standing up while I said, "I'd rather get out," "suit yourself," he replied back while I asked out the pool room, closing the door behind me as I sat on a silver seat just outside the door in the hallway.

I sat on the seats with boredom, my head hung between my knees as I let out a small groan of annoyance, knowing that I couldn't have taken my shirt off cause of that big ass fucking tattoo, and one more other thing. After about 40 minutes of just sitting there, I soon enough heard some footsteps coming down the right side of the hallway. My head perked up a bit, averting my eyes to the right, waiting for whoever was walking to come past so I knew who it was.
As soon as the person came into view I froze, same with the person as we stared at each other.

"Ashlyn?" I said, sitting up properly as I stared at her, snickering a little at the coincidence. "Why're you sitting out here?" She asked me while also snickering, coming over and sitting down next to me. "Well uh, sir practically kicked me out because I was wearing a swimming shirt," I told her, frowning a little as I said so. "Why the fuck did he kick you out?" "I just told you, cause I was wearing this shirt, dumbass," I told her once again with a little annoyance.
"I meant for you to give me more fucking context of the situation, idiot," she retorted back, furrowing her eyebrows a bit as I let out a small, "oh," before continuing to tell her.

Those nightsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang