Chapter 19 - Dripping blood

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Started: 2:45pm
Tw: Swearing, beating, self harm (☹️)

Ashton's pov
It has been a couple days since I was in the hospital. My body isn't as sore, but the places I was stabbed and my eye are still aching a lot. When I got discharged from the hospital and got home, the sun was already starting to set, meaning dad would probably be home in a couple hours and I'd see him after those few days in the hospital. I was currently up in my room, laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Around half an hour ago I was sitting downstairs with mum and the other three, generally just speaking.
When I did go back upstairs, I had politely asked to be left alone. I'm a little scared for when dad gets home, since I'm not sure how he'll react to me being home, or how he'll react to me being suspended.

The doctors said that I'd have to be really careful, since even from the slightest bump it could cause shit load of pain, so this was exactly why I was scared for when dad comes home. I'm scared he's gonna give me a beating, and then I might have to possible go back to the hospital.

(Small time skip to a couple hours later, since idk what else to add here😔)

Around an hour or two ago I decided I would have a nap since I was too tired to do anything, and my wounds ached. That nap was quite peaceful, until I was awoken to a punch to the left side of my face, my eyes shooting open as I stared up at my dad..
"WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU SUSPENDED?!" He shouted right in my face, his hand gripping my shirt tightly. I could heard many footsteps rushing up the stairs, seemingly mum and my siblings. I couldn't speak. I had the words, but they just wouldn't come out of my mouth. Another harsh punch to the left side of my face was delivered, tears beginning to fill my eyes now. I was shaking, both defenceless and scared.
"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF HIM!" Mum shouted as she grabbed him by the shirt, attempting to pull him off of me, but only getting knocked away by dad with a harsh punch to the face. He was too blinded by anger to notice that he had hit mum across the face, which was surprising since he's never laid a hand on her before.

"Don't.." I mumbled out, eyes wide with rage, tears still streaming down my cheeks. "DON'T YOU FUCKING LAY YOUR HANDS ON MY MOTHER!" I screamed straight in his face, bringing my hands up to his face in an instant and digging my thumbs into his eyes, making him shriek out in pain. "FUCKING STOP FIGHTING!" Ash shouted, her voice cracking, seeming to be crying.
Only a split second later dad grabbed my arms roughly, throwing me to the floor, forcing me to back away a bit. He stood still for a second, his left hand over his eye, breathing heavily. "I'm gonna fucking call Michael and Michelle.." I heard mum mumble, knowing she couldn't really do much about all that was happening at the moment since dad was still blinded by rage. "Fucking piece of shit," I grumbled out through a choked sob, wiping away the blood from my lips, standing up quickly and retreating back to my desk. Dad looked straight over to me, his left eye currently bleeding.

"Disappointment of a child.." he murmured in Russian, stomping towards me, his steps loud and thundering. I quickly grabbed a glass cup on my desk, keeping it behind me discretely. Once he was close enough, I quickly smashed the bottle over his head, buying me enough time to quickly run out of my room and downstairs, tripping down a couple in the process. I ran straight down the hallway, into the lounge room where mum, Ash and Asher were. "Jesus fucking Christ.. mum is on the phone to Michelle, they're almost here.." Asher stuttered out, tears staining his cheeks as he shook a little, holding out his arms for me.
I let out a couple soft sobs, looking to him with tear filled eyes, blood running down both my lips, and my eye a little. I gave in, closing my eyes as I fell into his arms, both him and Ash holding me closely. Soon enough we heard thundering stomps coming down the stairs, making me begin to panic a lot more again.

As dad was coming down the hallway, Ashlyn came out of his and mums shared room, backing into the lounge room a bit, holding up one of his FUCKING pistols. "Holy shit- put it down Ashlyn!" Mum suddenly shouted, dropping her phone to the floor, rushing over to her.
"You wouldn't fucking dare.." dad mumbled, wiping blood from his bleeding eye, taking another few steps closer to her. "You're no father to us..." she said through shakiness and gritted teeth, her hands trembling with the gun in them. All of a sudden, Michael and Michelle bursted through the door, Kai and her siblings nowhere to be seen.

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