Chapter 36

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The next day, Nathan and I head to a cave a mile or so off the outskirts of Amethyst.

"This should give you an appropriate challenge," Nathan says. "We're going to be hunting a mob called the zombie elf."

Chills run down my spine as I follow Nathan through the brush. "Zombie elf?"

My guild leader turns his head. "Don't worry. They aren't as scary as they sound."

"I hope so," I say. Then I follow his rhythm as we jump over tree roots and make our way through thickets and branches. It's clear that we're fully in the wild now. A howl echoes somewhere on my left, and large birds caw violently overhead. "Are you sure there aren't other mobs that can ambush us?"

"Possibly," Nathan responds. "But I'll protect us both. Don't worry."

I try not to swoon. I play it cool, keeping my voice low. "Great. Thanks."

Finally, we enter into a clearing that opens up into a large cave. Cut into a rock face, it stretches so deep that I can only make out the first few yards. The rest is complete darkness. The opening's rough and jagged. It appears as if a barbarian struck it open with a giant hammer, creating a giant abyss. I gulp and try not to break out into a nervous sweat.

"This is... it?"

Nathan places an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in. "Don't be scared. I'm a powerful mage, remember?"

"That makes me feel a bit better," I say. "But still. Zombie elves? I'm preparing for my violent death already."

Nathan leans his head back and laughs. "You're not going to die today, Josiah. But you're funny. Remind me that I was a genius for inviting you into my guild."

"Just because you think I'm funny?" I'm left more puzzled than ever.

"That among other reasons. I'm just—"

A guttural sound emerges from the interior of the cave. I freeze. The sound grows stronger as the seconds pass, further chilling me to the bone. I wait as the zombie elf comes into the light. It exits the cave while squinting against the sunlight. Truly a beast. There's nothing that would make it pleasant to look at. Like a traditional elf, it possesses pointed ears. But that's where the resemblance stops. Its body's halfway deteriorating, and it wears a torn tunic that barely hangs off its shoulders. Its eyes are dark red, its hair mangled. When the zombie elf shows its teeth, I let out a silent gasp. I see fangs. And the zombie elf's skin consists of uneven shades of gray.

I'm surprised I don't smell the scent of death in the air. Beside me, Nathan takes a step backward, but he's trained and focused. Compared to him, I probably look like I'm close to fainting.

Zombie Elf. Level 42.

"Oh my gosh." It feels like I'm breathing through a thin straw. "You couldn't pick a less scary mob?"

"Just stand behind me," Nathan says. "I'll do the dirty work here."

I step back as the zombie elf stumbles toward my guild leader. Despite being decrepit, it moves incredibly fast. Its eyes widen. It bares its fangs and reaches with skinny arms. I feel like throwing up.

"Firearrow." Nathan raises his staff. An arrow ablaze shoots straight toward the zombie elf, impaling the center of its chest. The zombie falls to the ground, disappearing and leaving nothing behind.

Zombie elf defeated. 1000 EXP gained.

I barely have time to recover from seeing the first one. A second zombie elf clambers out from the cave. It surges toward Nathan, eager to draw blood.

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