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Sanskriti POV

It's almost been a week since I'm back home. Bhai is trying his best to be with me as much as he can. Though whenever he can't he makes sure I'm not alone either Rachit Bhai aur Emmett is with me.

Emmett is my brother's security incharge. He has got all that golden retriever look with his dirty blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and that charming smile. But please don't go on his looks he's scary not to me but he is.

He was making dinner for me. He was looking so charming while cooking but too bad he's already married and not my type. Bhai don't have chef because he likes to cook his food himself. I really like this quality of him, no matter how tired he is. He cooks his food himself, says it helps him calm down.

Emmett: "Ma'am dinner is ready."

"Emmett how many times do need tell you don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old."

Emmett: "I'm really sorry to make you feel such like but I like to be professional and you're my boss's sister."

He said serving the dinner to me. God he have made Italian cuisine. Wait did I tell you this guy can cook 7 different cuisine with utmost perfection.

"C'mon Emmy eat with me."

Emmett: "No thankyou ma'am. Actually today is my wife's birthday, So, I'll have my dinner with her."

"Wait it's your wife's birthday? And you're here cooking for me?"

Emmett: "Uh, yeah."

"Are you mad? You should be with her."

Emmett: "I know."

"Then what are you doing here. You should have spent this day with her and make it special for her."

Emmett: "To make someone's day we don't have spent it whole with them. Sometimes only few moments can be enough to make it special."

"Damn, you're a good husband."

A coat of blush covers his face at my comment.

Bhai: "Well that he is. Emmett you're off."

Emmett leaves the room with the speed of light at bhai's words. Bhai smiles at him while shaking his head.

"You should have gave him full day off Bhai."

Bhai: "I know but his was out of station. So, he said to let him go early instead of day off."

"Ohh, come and eat."

Bhai: "coming let me change first."

"Hygiene freak" I mumble to myself.

Bhai: *I heard it and what's wrong being hygienic?"

"Nothing but you're just too much."

Ignoring my words he went to his room. I served his dinner and get back to my place. After few minutes he reappear totally fresh and clean. We both ate dinner talking, actually I was talking and he occasionally doing hmm, haa, okay, alright. Tomorrow is his off, that's why we decide to have stranger things marathon.

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