22- Confusion and Clarity

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"There was a huge fire which had killed many people in that town".


I let out a loud gasp.

A fire?

It's true, that was there in the news...

So the reason no one contacted me or Ray...

Was because they died from the accident...?

"Yeah, we didn't tell you because you were too vulnerable back then".


So my friends from back then...

All of them are...

Noticing my distraught face, my mom tries to change the subject.

"But dear, don't worry about the past. Just focus on your marriage and your life now..."

I couldn't say a word.

I got up from the chair and went upstairs to my room.

What would I say to Ray?

How would he react when he comes to know the friends he had been searching for so long are actually dead?

I feel like crying...

But it won't come out..

It was too heavy.

I try to swallow the tears, but instead just choke on them.

All this time, I tried so hard to remember my past. What kind of a person was I? What were the things that made me happy? What made me sad? What kind of people was I close with? My friends? My enemies? My lover...

All those questions had no meaning now.

As I lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling...

There was a dead silence in the room.

All that remained was the feeling of pure emptiness.

Although, I don't remember these people, but a part deep inside me...Feels so empty.

Like, something would always be missing.

And I will never be the same person, I was again.

I try to recall their faces...

But there was nothing

Only the headache returns back.

And it was so painful, that I had to sit up and drink some water.

Then taking a painkiller, I tried to shut everything out and just go to sleep.

That night...

Mikhail appeared in my dream.

He looked so incredibly sad...

I stared at him, trying to figure out the reason...

Just then...

Mikhail starts walking away.

"Where are you going?"

I ran after him.

But he didn't stop or slow down...


We reached a school.

I was about to say something...

But the alarm wakes me up.

Eyes half-closed, I hit the snooze button and fall asleep again.

But I'm woken up by a different sound this time.

My ringtone resounded, it was a call.

"Ugh!! Who is it now?" I check my phone, itritated, only to find that it was a call from Claire.

Immediately accepting the call, I put the phone on my ears.

"Hello, Claire? How are you? How is Ron now?"

"I'm good...Ron has been discharged from the hospital just a while ago. But the doctor has advised him complete bed rest for now"


"But Lisha, the reason why I have called you is different".

"What is it?"

"It's about the Leon's"

"They have ties with the Russian Mafia"


"We have received a tip...There is an age-old relationship between the  Elda group and the Russian Mafia. The alliance is pretty simple, Much of Elda's foreign foothold relies on  the Mafia's support. In exchange, the Russian Mafia continues their activities here."


"We are still collecting info on this. Once we have enough info, our company will probably decide whether to blackmail Elda for the money or just release the news to public. Its a matter of profit and loss. However, I just thought that...you should know. You're going to get married to him afterall".

"I see..."

Claire worked a a journalist. Hence, it would be fair to say, that her info is correct.

And it's already very obvious as, Mikhail and Josh are good friends.

"Normally, this kind of thing wouldn't come out very easily. However, recently there was an incident. It seems like one of Elda's managing director, was bribed by certain Israeli officials, that allowed them to gain some dirt on Elda. Now the officials, in turn, threatened to pause Elda's entire activities in their country unless they paid up an hefty sum".

"So that's when..."

"Yup, but Elda had a wild card up their sleeve and that's when the Russian mafia came into the picture. They are not just feared for no reason in the underworld, they are reckless, aggressive and much more violent than the average group of mobsters. They don't play by the set rules, in short they just don't give a fuck. They kidnapped one of the official's daughter and needless to say, they did unthinkable things to her until her father had surrendered."

"Oh god..."

"Although, Elda did have the last laugh but the noise had already spread around. And, that's how we were able to receive the news"

"When did this all happen?"

"Very recently I believe."

That explains everything.

Elda's connection with Mikhail, the reason why Josh had suddenly left in the middle of our date. All of this, had just coincided with the timings perfectly.

It all made sense now.

But Claire probably doesn't know that Mikhail, the one who hurt Ron and his coworker...

Is actually...

The Russian Mafia boss.

I want to tell her, but I couldn't.

Afterall, it was all because of me...

All because I had asked Ron...

Ron got injured and lost his coworker.

I must be damned for getting involved with a dangerous man like that!!

But I can't let people close to me get hurt anymore...

I have decided to shoulder this burden alone.

"Anyways, I just called you to inform that and also..."


"Ron and me are gonna move abroad."

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