18- My past(2)

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"That's all" I breathe out a sigh.

I came to visit Dr Kim just as my parents had asked me last night. I tell her everything that my parents told about my past and also about my headache.


Dr Kim who was noting down everything I had been saying, looks up at me with keen eyes.

"Is there something wrong Doctor?" I ask.

Her blue eyes scan me keenly, and its only after a good look I notice  that she had been staring at my neck all this time.

Fuck...Did I forget to cover the hickey??

Immediately pulling my hair down my shoulders, I ask her, "So anyways, is there anything I can do to avoid the headaches. My wedding is quite near and I don't want this to ruin..."

"You mentioned that your headaches had stopped for a while right?"

"Yeah...But just yesterday, it came back."

"Where were you at this time?"

"My home. In my room."

"And what were you doing?"

"Uh- I was..." I hesitate.

I remember him.

His sea green eyes...



"Where do blue roses bloom?"

And just then a flash...

A hand with a skull tattoo handing a silver key...

A cross pendant with a turquoise stone in the middle.


A young boy's blurry smile.

"If you ever get lost..."

"Just remember..."

"Where the blue roses bloom..."

"You will always find me waiting over there"

The voice echoes through my head...

Before everything turns into black.


I open my eyes to a blurry celing.

"Where....am I?"

"Oh, you are awake." I find Dr Kim sitting on a chair near the bed.

"Doctor...what...what happened?" I try to get up but- "Aghh my head hurts!!".

"No need to get up. You have been passed out for 4 hours. Don't worry I haven't informed your parents yet. Ever since you told me about them hiding your background, I figured that they may not be the best people to inform..."

"Thank you Dr Kim...I feel better now...But did I really  pass out"

"Yes about that..."


"Did you remember something Lisha?"


"Well no need to stress yourself, it's okay if you can't-"

"I remembered something...There was a hand-probably a man's...He handed me..."

"Handed you what?"

"A key...I think silver in color"

"Okay. And what about the hand? Was it a white-skinned or dark skinned or..?"

"It was a brown-skinned man's hand...And also there was a skull tattoo at the back of his hand"

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