Chapter 60: The Promise

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As Mon's eyes scanned the medical records, her heart sank with each new revelation. Anger and devastation mingled within her, forming a storm of emotions that threatened to consume her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she processed the information before her. "Why didn't Sam tell me?" she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. The weight of Sam's silence felt like a betrayal, leaving Mon reeling with a sense of profound loss and despair.

Alone in Sam's house, Mon's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty. The flight ticket in her hand felt like a lifeline, a chance to finally see Sam and confront the reality of their situation. But was she ready for what awaited her on the other side?

Her mind raced with questions, each one adding to the weight of her indecision. Would she be strong enough to face Sam's condition? Could she handle the pain of seeing her beloved in such a vulnerable state?

As she grappled with her inner turmoil, the sound of voices outside pulled her from her thoughts. With a furrowed brow, Mon watched as her friends, together with her mother, arrived at Sam's house, their presence a comforting reminder of the support she had in this difficult time. Yet, even as they gathered around her, Mon couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in her heart.

Mon's mother settled beside her, her presence a comforting anchor in the storm of Mon's emotions. "You should go," she urged gently, her voice filled with maternal concern. Mon glanced at her friends, who nodded in silent agreement, their support palpable even in the midst of uncertainty.

With a sigh, Mon's mother continued, her tone soft but firm. "Im here because I need to fulfill my promise to Sam," she reminded her daughter, her eyes filled with a mixture of compassion and determination.

Curiosity piqued, Mon turned to her mother, her brow furrowed in confusion. "What promise?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. As she awaited her mother's response, a flicker of apprehension danced in her chest, unsure of what revelations awaited her.

Mon's mother's voice trembled with emotion as she recounted the poignant memory, the weight of their shared past pressing down on them like a heavy shroud. "Do you remember the first time you and Sam had a little disagreement?" she asked softly, her eyes searching Mon's face for any sign of recognition. Mon nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of what she knew was to come.

With a heavy heart, Mon's mother delved into the painful memory, her voice tinged with sadness as she recalled the conversation that had changed everything. As the flashback unfolded before her eyes, Mon felt a pang of sorrow deep within her chest, the raw emotions of that moment flooding back with startling clarity.


"Uncle, Auntie..." Sam began, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "May I ask a favor from you?"

Mon's mother leaned forward, her expression filled with concern. "What do you need, Sam?" she inquired gently, her eyes searching Sam's face for any sign of distress.

Sam's request hung heavy in the air as she hesitated, her words weighed down by the gravity of her situation. "I want to be with Mon," she admitted finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "Every time I need to be with her."

A hushed silence descended upon the room as Sam's parents exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with concern for their daughter's well-being. Sam's plea was laced with desperation as she continued, her voice trembling with fear. "I'm afraid my illness is coming back, every symptoms it's coming back" she confessed, her words choked with emotion. "And I want to spend most of my time with Mon."

Mon's parents shared a silent exchange, their worry etched into every line of their faces. Sam's plea was met with hesitation as they grappled with the weight of her request. "This will be painful for Mon," Mon's father acknowledged somberly, his voice heavy with regret.

But Sam's determination was unwavering as she pleaded her case, her eyes pleading for understanding. "I know it will be hard," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. "But I need Mon. She calms me, she brings me peace."

With a heavy heart, Mon's father relented, his resolve faltering in the face of Sam's unwavering determination. "Maybe you're right, Sam," he conceded softly, his voice filled with resignation. "We'll let Mon be with you whenever you need her."

Tears welled up in Mon's eyes as she listened to her Mother's story of Sam's heartfelt plea, her heart breaking anew at the thought of the pain Sam had endured in silence. The depth of Sam's love and devotion to her was staggering, and Mon couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt for ever doubting it.

As the memory faded, Mon was left reeling, her mind swirling with a mixture of emotions. "That's why..." she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to find the words to express the overwhelming turmoil raging within her. "That's why you and Dad always agreed with Sam," she concluded, her heart heavy with the weight of the revelation.

As Mon's mother's words sank in, a profound sadness washed over Mon, mingling with the waves of guilt and regret crashing against her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to overflow as the weight of the truth bore down on her.

"I'm sorry, Mon," her mother whispered, her voice heavy with remorse. "Sam asked us not to tell anyone about her condition, not even you. She didn't want to burden you, or us." The weight of Sam's secret felt like a heavy burden, crushing Mon's spirit beneath its weight.

Mon's tears flowed freely now, unchecked by her efforts to hold them back. The pain of knowing that Sam had kept such a profound secret from her, and the realization that her parents had honored Sam's wishes at the cost of their own anguish, was almost too much to bear.

"I need to commit to our promise to Sam," her mother continued, her voice trembling with emotion. "I need to ensure that you will be with Sam whenever she needs you. And right now, Sam needs you more than ever."

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Mon nodded in acknowledgment of her mother's words, her heart heavy with the weight of her promise to Sam. "You're right, Mom," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for reminding me that a promise should be fulfilled."

Her mother's gentle reminder brought clarity to Mon's turmoil, reaffirming her commitment to Sam even in the face of overwhelming sadness. With a trembling voice, she expressed her gratitude for her mother's unwavering support and understanding.

"I promised Sam that I would always be wherever she is," Mon declared, her voice quivering with determination. "And I intend to keep that promise, no matter what."

In that moment, amidst the tears and the sorrow, Mon found strength in her resolve to stand by Sam's side, offering her unwavering support and love in the face of adversity.

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