Chapter 52: Eternal Promise

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As Risa gently guided Sam back to the dining area, Cher's keen eyes spotted them, and she rushed over, concern etched on her face. She quickly joined Risa and Mon, who was still overcome with tears, offering her support.

Together, they guided Mon to sit down, understanding the need for comfort in such a difficult moment. Cher swiftly fetched a glass of water and handed it to Mon, her touch gentle and reassuring.

"Here you go, Mon," Cher said softly, her voice filled with compassion. "Take your time. We're here for you." Risa nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Cher's sentiment as they both stood by Mon's side, ready to offer whatever support she needed.

As Mon took a shaky sip of water, Cher's concern deepened. "Mon, what happened?" she asked gently, her eyes filled with worry.

Taking a moment to collect herself, Mon recounted the painful exchange with Sam, her voice quivering as she shared the details with Risa and Cher.

Risa's expression softened with empathy as she listened, her heart heavy with regret. "I'm so sorry, Mon," she said softly, her apology tinged with remorse. "I shouldn't have asked if you were married. I didn't realize it would bring up such painful memories."

Mon offered a small nod, grateful for their understanding. Despite the hurt, she knew their intentions were pure, and their support meant everything to her in that moment of vulnerability.

With a steadying breath, Mon met Cher and Risa's concerned gazes. "Sam has her doubts, but I'm all in," she admitted, her voice tinged with determination. "I'm head over heels for her. I've given her all of myself, even things I never did with Nop."

Mon's confession hung heavy in the air, her vulnerability laid bare for her friends to see. "I don't want to lose Sam," she whispered, the fear of losing the love she cherished most weighing heavily on her heart.

Cher's gentle question enveloped Mon in a sense of warmth and understanding. "Mon, do you see yourself spending your lifetime with Sam?" she asked, her voice filled with empathy and hope.

Mon's eyes softened as she met Cher's gaze, a flicker of peace washing over her. "Yes, Cher," she replied, her voice steady with conviction. "I do. Despite the challenges, I can't imagine my life without her by my side."

Cher's memory sparked a glimmer of comfort in Mon's heart. "Remember what you said earlier, Mon?" Cher began, her tone gentle and reassuring. "You mentioned that you would say yes to Sam if she were to propose."

Mon's lips curved into a faint smile at the recollection. "Yes, I did," she affirmed, a sense of warmth spreading through her. "And I meant every word of it. No matter what challenges come our way, I'm ready to say yes to a lifetime with Sam."

Cher's nod of understanding conveyed unwavering support, reminding Mon that amidst the uncertainty, their love remained a beacon of hope and strength.

Risa and Cher exchanged knowing glances, silently communicating their shared concern for Mon's happiness. Finally, Cher took a deep breath, breaking the silence with a gentle question. "Mon, may I ask why you're waiting for Sam to pop the question of proposal?" she inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and genuine interest in understanding Mon's perspective.

Mon's brow furrowed slightly as she considered Cher's question, realizing the weight of her own assumptions. "I guess I've always imagined it to be that way," she admitted softly, her thoughts drifting to the dreams she had nurtured in her heart. "But maybe I've been waiting for something that I should be taking the initiative on myself."

Risa nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting empathy as she listened to Mon's revelation. "Perhaps it's time to have that conversation with Sam," she suggested gently, her words carrying the promise of empowerment and self-discovery. "To express your desires to be with her for the rest of your life Mon"

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