Chapter 10: Father's Girl

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As Mon's tears flowed freely, her mind replayed the memories she shared with Nop, each one now tinged with the pain of loss. She remembered the moments of laughter, the shared dreams of a future together, and Nop's unwavering belief that he was the luckiest guy to have her by his side. But now, those dreams lay shattered at her feet, and the future she had imagined with Nop seemed like a cruel illusion.

The weight of guilt settled heavily on Mon's shoulders as she blamed herself for not insisting more that Nop back out from the race. She knew how much Nop valued her opinion and how he always followed her lead. If only she had pushed harder, if only she had seen the danger lurking ahead, perhaps she could have prevented this tragedy.

As Mon's thoughts turned to Yuki, her heart ached with the realization that their lives would never be the same again. The loss of Nop had irreversibly changed the course of their futures, leaving them to navigate a world that suddenly felt unfamiliar and uncertain.

In the midst of her grief and guilt, Mon clung to the memories of her time with Nop, finding solace in the love they had shared and the moments they had cherished together. But the pain of his absence remained, a constant reminder of the void left behind by his untimely passing.

As Mon's cries echoed through the house, her parents' hearts shattered into pieces. They exchanged pained glances, their own eyes welling up with tears at the sound of their daughter's anguish.

"Maybe we should give her some space," Mon's father suggested, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Let her cry it all out until the pain subsides."

Mon's mother nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "You're right. But one of us should always be nearby, just in case she needs us."

With a heavy sigh, Mon's father rose from his seat, his heart aching for his daughter. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on her," he said softly, his voice filled with determination.

Mon's mother squeezed his hand in gratitude before making her way to Mon's room. As she stood outside the door, she could hear her daughter's cries growing softer, and she silently prayed that time would heal the wounds of her broken heart.

As Mon's father's phone rang, he glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was Yuki calling. With a heavy heart, he answered the call, bracing himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

"Hello, Yuki," he greeted softly, his voice filled with empathy.

Yuki's voice trembled on the other end of the line as she spoke, her words choked with emotion. "Uncle, Is it true? Did Nop really...?" she trailed off, unable to finish her sentence.

Father's heart ached as he confirmed the news to Yuki, his own voice breaking slightly with sorrow. "Yes, Yuki. I'm afraid it's true," he replied gently.

Yuki's sobs filled the silence, and Father listened, offering silent comfort through the phone. As Yuki regained her composure, she asked about Mon's condition, expressing her concern for her friend.

Father reassured Yuki, his voice steady despite the weight of his own grief. "Mon is devastated, but she's surrounded by love and support. She's going to need her friends now more than ever," he advised.

He urged Yuki to take care of herself, knowing that the news would also weigh heavily on her. "Be strong, Yuki. I know this is hard for you too, but you need to take care of yourself," he said gently. "Rest for now, and we'll talk more when you're ready. I'll be here for Mon, and I'll be here for you too."

As the moments passed and the sounds of Mon's sobs faded, Father cautiously approached her room. Peeking inside, he saw Mon lying on her bed, clutching Nop's varsity jacket tightly to her chest, with Nop's picture resting beside her. Her eyes were closed, her face still streaked with tears, and she seemed to have cried herself into an exhausted sleep.

Father's heart broke at the sight of his daughter, her grief palpable in the quiet of her room. With gentle steps, he entered the room, careful not to disturb her. He approached her bed and tenderly adjusted her position, ensuring she was comfortable. He smoothed the blanket over her, adjusting the temperature of the aircon to make sure she was neither too hot nor too cold.

Taking a seat beside Mon, Father reached out and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.
As he did, Mon let out a soft groan, her sleep troubled by the weight of her sorrow. Her lips moved soundlessly, whispering Nop's name, a heartbreaking reminder of the pain she carried even in her dreams. His heart ached with the weight of her pain, and he wished he could take it all away. Leaning in, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, silently offering his love and support in the only way he knew how.

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