Chapter 56: The Dawn of Dread

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After finishing their breakfast, Sam and Mon discussed their plans for the evening. "Let's meet here at your house after work," Mon suggested.

Mon added, "I'll cook dinner, so you don't have to pick you up," she offered.

Sam smiled gratefully. "Sounds like a plan. I'll try to wrap things up early so I can be home as soon as possible."

With their arrangements settled, they both headed out, driving to drop Mon off at her office before Sam continued on to her own workplace. As they parted ways, they exchanged a lingering glance, each silently reassuring the other that they would make it through the day and be reunited again soon.

As the workday drew to a close, Sam's phone buzzed with a message from Mon. "Hey Babe, I'm heading home now. Just need to pick up a few things from the grocery store for a special dinner for my favorite person in the world. And who knows, maybe there'll be some 'Mon' for dessert later. See you soon! Love you!"

Reading the message, Sam quickly gathered her belongings and said her goodbyes to her colleagues as she made her way out of the office.

As Sam reached the parking lot to retrieve her car, she heard her name being called from behind. Turning around, she was startled to see Kirk standing there. "Sam..." he called out, his voice cutting through the silence of the empty parking lot.

Sam's voice sliced through the tense air, her tone sharp with accusation. "Why are you here, Kirk?"

Kirk's response quivered with uncertainty. "I came to talk to you, to apologize for everything," he admitted, his voice tinged with remorse.

Sam's resolve hardened, her words cutting. "I don't want to hear anything from you," she snapped, her gaze cold and unwavering.

Desperation crept into Kirk's voice as he reached out, grasping for Sam's arm. "Please, Sam," he pleaded, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. "Our friendship means everything to me."

Sam's expression turned to stone as she scoffed, her words dripping with disdain. "Friend? I don't keep traitors in my circle," she declared, moving to open her car door in an attempt to escape the confrontation.

But Kirk blocked her path, his eyes pleading for understanding. "Please, just listen," he begged, his voice cracking with emotion.

Anger flashed in Sam's eyes as she shot back, her words sharp with resentment. "I have nothing to say to you," she spat, her tone laced with bitterness. "Consider yourself lucky I didn't press charges for what you did to Mon."

Gratitude filled Kirk's voice as he responded, "Thank you, Sam."

Sam's response was swift and dismissive. "Save your thanks for Mon," she retorted, her words cutting like knives.

As she turned to walk away, a sudden, searing pain gripped Sam's chest, causing her to stagger. Her breath caught in her throat as waves of dizziness washed over her, and she collapsed to the ground in front of Kirk, clutching at her chest in agony.

Kirk's panic surged as he witnessed Sam collapse before him. His voice trembled with fear as he shouted, "Sam! Are you okay? Stay with me, Sam!"

Frantically, he reached for his phone, fingers fumbling as he dialed emergency services. "I need an ambulance, now!" he exclaimed, his voice shaking with urgency.

As he waited for help to arrive, Kirk hovered over Sam, his heart pounding with dread. "Come on, Sam, you can't leave me," he muttered, his voice choked with emotion. "Stay with me, please!"

Tears welled in his eyes as he begged for Sam's survival, his hands trembling as he tried to provide any comfort he could in the face of such a dire situation.

As Mon reached Sam's house as they had agreed, she excitedly began preparing dinner, specially crafted for her beloved fiancée. With each dish she lovingly prepared, Mon murmured to herself, hoping that this dinner would help replenish Sam's energy after her exhausting morning.

Hours passed, and still there was no sign of Sam. Concern gnawed at Mon's heart as she waited anxiously, her mind filled with worry and questions.

Frustrated by the lack of communication, Mon decided to call Sam's phone, but each attempt went unanswered. Growing more concerned by the minute, she then tried Sam's office phone, hoping for some answers.

As Mon's worry mounted, she dialed Sam's phone repeatedly, each unanswered call adding to her frustration. Determined to find answers, she shifted to calling Sam's office phone, hoping for a response. Finally, Sam's assistant picked up.

"Hello?" The assistant's voice came through the line.

"Hi, this is Mon," she introduced herself urgently. "I've been trying to reach Sam."

With a sense of urgency, the assistant replied, "Oh, Sam left a few hours ago."

Grateful for the information, Mon swiftly ended the call, but her concern only intensified as she contemplated Sam's whereabouts.

Worry crept over Mon as she paced the room, her thoughts consumed by concern for her fiancée. "Sam promised to be back as soon as possible," she murmured to herself, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Anxiousness laced Mon's voice as she reached out to Jim, hoping for some insight into Sam's whereabouts. "Have you spoken to Sam recently?" she inquired urgently.

Jim's response only fueled Mon's worry. "I haven't heard from Sam since you both left for vacation," he admitted, concern creeping into his tone. "Is everything okay?"

Frustration and concern mingled in Mon's reply. "I can't seem to reach Sam by any means," she confessed, her worry deepening with each passing moment.

Jim's surprise was evident as he processed the news, but he quickly reassured Mon of his support. "Don't worry, Mon. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything from Sam," he promised earnestly.

Grateful for Jim's help, Mon thanked him before ending the call, her worry still gnawing at her as she awaited any news about Sam's whereabouts.

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