The Meeting with Heaven (pt. 1)

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The next day, you woke up in your room still feeling sleepy as fuck. You got up and showered, then you changed your clothes. You went down to the lobby seeing everyone doing what they're always doing, but Lucifer and his daughter weren't in the lobby so you went to ask Vinx where they are. "Hey Vinx, where's Charlie and Lucifer?" You asked him "Oh, i think they're in the library." "Thanks Vinx, bye." He nodded and went back to what he was doing.

-<With Charlie and Lucifer>-

"Char-char what are we going to do?" Lucifer asked her with a worried look on his face, "Well, if heaven wants to talk to us we will have to go." She replied to her father. "We should bring someone... Like... Two people we trust..." Lucifer recommended, "Yeah, we should! I'll bring Vaggie! And let's also tell Vinx and Alastor that they will be running the hotel while we're gone." She smiles, "You trust Alastor and his friend to run the hotel? Are you sure about this Char-char?" He nervously said. "It's fine Dad, Vinx is a responsible one and Alastor is too, so we can count on them." She replied, "Alright." He said. They both walked out of the library before bumping into you.


"I'm sorry!" You apologized, "It's fine Darling." Lucifer replied with a smile before saying something again. "Do you want to come with me to heaven? For a meeting." He added, "Of course!" You replied happily and hoped to see Emily again. "That's great! We should go tell the others!" Charlie said excitedly, the three of you went to the lobby and Charlie told everyone that the four of you will go to heaven for a meeting and she asked Vinx and Alastor to run the hotel while they were gone.
A portal then appeared for the four of you to go to heaven and have the meeting.

-<In Heaven>-

The four of you were in heaven, and standing right in front of you was St. Peter (Zesty St. Peter 😭). "Hello everyone! Welcome to heaven! May i take your names?" He asked and looked at the four of you and said, "Oh... You must be here for another meeting! You four should wait for Sera and Emily to come here." You four nodded and waited for the two Seraphims.

After a while, Sera and Emily came up to you. "We'll take it from here St. Peter...". Sera said and was shocked to see you again, Emily then flew to you and hugged you while tears fell out of her eyes. "M/n! I missed you!" She smiles still crying, "I missed you too Emily!" You hugged her back. "M/n what are you doing here?..." Sera spoke up, "I'm here with Lucifer, and I'm going to attend the meeting with them." You replied. Sera stared at you and then Michael came up, "Lucifer my dear brother,and Charlie my niece and you two. Come with us to the meeting room." He said leading the four of you to the meeting room, he didn't notice you from the change of appearance you had.

-<In the meeting room>-

You, Vaggie, Lucifer, and Charlie entered the meeting room where all the archangels, Seraphims and God were sitting. You used your wings to fly up to your seat as well as Lucifer and Vaggie, Vaggie was holding her girlfriend while flying to their seats. God noticed you and Charlie, "M/n? And who's this?" God asked Lucifer, "Hello father, yes that is M/n, and this is Charlie my daughter." He replied, "You never told me that you had a daughter and M/n fell? But why?" God was confused and so was Michael, "Wait that's M/n?!" Michael shouted with a concerned tone. Sera looked down knowing she's in trouble, "Father, i told you about Charlie. Didn't i ask Michael to tell you?" Lucifer asked, "Michael!" God shouted, "I-i forgot to tell you since you where in Vacation!..." Michael explained in a panicked tone, "That's not a good excuse now isn't it Michael." God was mad, "Sorry father..." Michael replied.
"Now, Sera why did M/n fall?!" God looked at Sera, "He saved a sinners child..." Sera spoke up, "I gave you the responsibility to look after heaven for months and you made him fall, for doing a good thing?!" God shouted, "Saving a sinners child isn't a-" "No, Sera it is." Lucifer cut her off.

Will this ever end? (Idk)


It's short but imma make part 2, also i tried!
Author out-

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