The Party

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'What in the world?' you sighed while trying to open your eyes, 'who would be up this early?'


"Coming!" you shouted while getting up, you opened the door to see Charlie.
"Hey M/n, it's time for breakfast." Charlie said with a smile. "Alright Sweetcheeks i'll be down there in a minute." you replied with a tired look, 'Sweetcheeks?' Charlie thought with a confused look.

After a minute

You went down looking fresh, you saw everyone eating.
You sat down next to Lucifer who was eating pancakes.
"Good Morning dear." Alastor greeted you with a smile, "Good Morning Alastor!" you replied, Lucifer looked at Alastor with a serious look but you didn't notice.
After the meal Charlie gathered everyone to the lobby, "Alright everyone! i would like to announce a Party
for our victory for rebuilding the hotel!" Charlie Shouted while a proud look, "Nifty, you go and clean the hotel.
Husk, you go and prepare some drinks for the party.
Angel and Cherri, you two can help me and Vaggie decorate the hotel."
"Dad, Alastor, and M/n, can you three please get some more decorations?" Charlie asked.

You were about to go with the two to get some more decorations until Charlie called you.
"M/n!" Charlie shouted, "Yes Sweetcheeks- i mean Charlie.."
You replied with your hands covering your face, "Oh it's okay M/n, you can call me 'Sweetcheeks' if you want to." "And can you please make sure Dad and Al don't get into a fight?" She asked. You nodded and went to where Lucifer and Alastor was waiting for you.
When the three of you got the decorations, you three went back to the hotel.
"M/n, Dad, Al! You three are back!" shouted Charlie.
"We got the decorations Sweetcheeks!" you shouted back holding the box of decorations.
'sweetcheeks?' Alastor and Lucifer thought.

Helping Charlie

You went to help Charlie with the decorations because Angel Dust had to go for work, while Cherri needed to do some errands. 'Oh shoot, i forgot I can't use my wings to decorate the top...' you sighed, "Um, Sweetcheeks do you have a ladder?" You asked Charlie, "Yep! It's in the storage room!" Charlie replied pointing the direction to the storage room. You nodded and went to get the ladder, 'Sweetcheeks said it right over...Here!' you went in the storage room and grabbed the folded ladder. You walked back to the lobby and settled the ladderon the right position, you climbed up the ladder and hagged the streamers but then you felt the ladder wobble. Lucifer noticed the ladder wobbling and he immediately prepared himself to catch you, you fell into Lucifers arms craying you like a bride.
You looked at him with fear on your eyes, "Oh my lord i thought that was the end of me... Thank you Lucifer" you thanked him with a grateful face. "You're welcome darling." He replied with a smile, "M/n! Are you okay?!" Charlie shouted with a worried face, you replied with a nod you noticed that Lucifer was still carrying you, so you looked at him with a smile and tilted your head to make him put you down, he got the message and put you down on the floor you covered your face with one hand because you had a slight blush on your face.

Getting ready

After decorating the hotel, Charlie told everyone to get ready for the party, so you went to your room to wear the outfit that you wanted to wear but didn't have any reason to wear it,you put your hair up to add a bit of style, you put on a butler like outfit that you really like with black shoes and black gloves.

The Fallen Seraphim (Lucifer x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now