Chapter 19

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The Final Battle

Chapter 19

Galloping, galloping...

It was a cool spring nightfall after the rainfall just hours earlier, as Cassia and Vash made their way back to Lockridge. They rode on a single horse, pushing it hard and fast so as not to fall too far behind Camus and his army. Her heart was heavy with grief, after the loss of Pixo, despite the betrayal and disloyalty he was entangled in. She could not even look back, as she was simply focused on riding as fast as she could. She wanted to put as much distance between her and Mortimus as fast as possible. Cassia had her arms wrapped tightly around Vash, who she knew was ensuring her safety through the woods as she kept her eyes closed to try and rest. By the time dawn came, they had managed to cross the border, with barely any sight of soldiers in the area. Although it certainly seemed like a good sign, they could not help but feel fearful that Camus had sent all of his able men to Alexandria for his arrival and ruin.

Anger flooded her mind as she thought more and more about the malevolent man. His destruction of villages and families piece by piece, the deaths of hundreds if not more by his hand. She felt a rising fury in her heart as she thought about all those who had suffered and died because of him. Camus must be punished for his actions.

When would it be enough? That was the question that kept coming to her mind. Camus had taken so many lives already, including now those of two people she had cared about dearly, Darwyn and Pixo. He would not stop killing, and he would keep using his army and the Lockridge forces to conquer everything. She had to do something now, she could not keep sitting idly by and watching as he continued his rampage. As Queen, she was ready to step up and save her people and her lands, even at the ultimate cost. Each thought of him seemed to grow stronger in her mind, and she could only find herself agreeing with her thinking. Camus deserved death. He needed to be rid of this world. He was a cancer to her land, and he needed to be purged.

His reign of terror needed to end.

This was her time now to step up and bring justice to all who had fallen. The broken families needed her. Her people needed her. As she rode through the gates of Lockridge, she knew that she would return to her capital soon. Alexandria would await her, and she would make up for all the time away. She was now a queen, and it was her responsibility to ensure the safety and protection of her people at all costs.

With so much on her mind, she did not immediately notice it when their horse came to a stop and moved off the path. "We are stopping?"

"She needs to rest and eat," Vash replied referring to their horse, lifting his leg up and around the animal and jumping down to the ground. "We will make camp for a short while. Camus will do the same. He can not push his herd for a continuous trip to Alexandria."

As the pair sat around the small fire, Cassia found herself in a daze from all that had recently happened. She was quiet, her mind lost in thought as she mulled over everything. Vash looked over at her, noticing that she was quiet, seemingly lost in thought. They sat quietly for a time as the meal of eggs cooked, the peace of the woods surrounding them.

"Ty will be okay." He began, making conversation. "Do not worry. We will make it in time, my brother is strong."

"Yes, I know he is," Cassia replied looking over at Vash. "I... I have made a terrible mistake and it has brought nothing but pain and death..." She finished, looking away and back at the fire.

"Camus will not get away with his plans. I assure you we will take back Alexandria. I have much faith in your leadership."

"Thank you for your kind words, Vash."

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