Chapter 10

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The Final Battle

Chapter 10

As the sun set into the horizon, the festival came to an end, and the local townspeople began to disassemble the various entertainment and attractions set up for the event. The wind was beginning to pick up and blew in steadily, bringing with it the oncoming signs of the storm. The clouds began to roll in, darkening the sky and casting a gloom over the town. The air was still and cool, the sounds of the festivities distant and faint.

"We have packed two days' worth of food for you." Charles began, standing in front of the two as they prepared for their departure. "Keep north on the paths and you will surely arrive in Alexandria in two days."

"Thank you kindly, Lord Charles. Your generosity will not go unrewarded and I will see to it when we arrive back at the kingdom that I will have provisions delivered here to Laguna." Cassia smiled as she bowed to the chief, as did he.

"My Lady, knowing you will have a safe journey and arrive in Alexandria is more than enough for me. We live to serve you and Highland. I look forward to your upcoming coronation as well when I can formally address you as our Queen and Highness of Highland."

Cassia turned to Charles and smiled. "I appreciate your words and your service towards Highland greatly. I look forward to serving as queen and bringing pride and prosperity to our kingdom."

The coronation would be a significant event for Cassia, as it would officially mark her ascension to the throne as queen. It was a moment she had not yet thought about since her father's passing, and one that would certainly bring with it emotions and thoughts that she would have to consider. The coronation would be a celebratory event, marking her official induction as queen and signaling a new era for the kingdom of Highland. During any of her absences, Cassia had absolute trust in her uncle William who was her official Regent, to oversee the kingdom and its affairs in her absence. She knew without a doubt that the Kingdom was in good hands and knew that he would act with devotion and commitment, ensuring that the affairs were handled with utmost scrutiny and diligence. She had nothing but confidence in his ability to oversee the kingdom and all its business and eagerly awaited to see him again in two days.

"Cassia?" As her thoughts were caught up in her own contemplations, Cassia was suddenly and unexpectedly pulled from them by Ty. She looked at him and was instantly brought back to the present moment with his words. "We must make haste now before the storm comes."

"Yes, of course."

Ty approached the horse and grabbed the reins before pulling himself up and into the sitting position in the saddle. He then stretched out his arm to help Cassia up and she took her position right behind him in the saddle. It was an intimate and close position, as they would be riding together for the long road back home to the castle in Alexandria, but he knew to keep his focus on the road ahead of them. Cassia wrapped her arms around his waist then both looked back at Charles one last time before the horse was instructed to gallop and sped away through the forest and towards the capital. The ride back was indeed going to be a long one, but Cassia was content and felt safe knowing that she was with her guard.

Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling, bam!

"What is that!?" Royston shouted from inside the carriage.

Pixo pulled on the reins and stopped the horses from proceeding further and came to a stop on the side of the dirt road. He stood up, grabbed a fire-lit lantern, and jumped down from his seat as the carriage door opened and Qualen joined him outside. Looking over the carriage with the small light he had, he sighed as he reached the back wheel.

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