Chapter 05

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Chapter 05
The First Battle

The scene is tense as Ty and the Alexandrian army approach the Mortimus army, hoping to negotiate peace. The two stood opposite each other, their weapons drawn and their eyes locked in a stare-down. In the distance, the sound of thousands of soldiers preparing for battle echoes through the air.

Ty stops short of the enemy's line, and he steps forward, holding up his hand in a sign of peace. He calls out to the enemy army, his voice ringing out across the battlefield. The silence that follows is deafening as both sides wait for the other to respond. Ty could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but he maintained a calm, steady demeanor. He can sense the tension rising on both sides, but he remains focused and determined to find a peaceful resolution, for Cassia, and the Kingdom.

Finally, the enemy king steps forward, Camus Blight, and the two exchange looks with one another.

"Why you are just a mere boy. A boy who does look familiar. State your name." Camus was the first to speak.

"I am Ty Pierson, personal guard to her Royal Highness, Cassia Ambrose. And this is Sir Evan, one of the King's Royal Knights. We are here on behalf of the Alexandria Kingdom to negotiate."

"Why would I negotiate with someone as weak as you and your army?" His smile was almost frightening as he sat on his black stallion, eyes piercing with blood lust.

"Princess Ambrose does not wish to start a war."

"Then perhaps she should reconsider my generous offer. My hand in marriage and the protection from my armies. Together we will rule both countries."

"How dare you!" Evan shouted. "You sent in spies and infiltrated our castle and had our King assassinated!"

"Such a weak old man." Camus scoffed. "Your princess as well as your army will submit to me! You may try to hold out now, but I will not show you any mercy if you continue to defy me."

"We shall not surrender!" Evan withdrew his sword fiercely.

"So be it. I will just have to make examples out of you." Camus then withdrew his sword and pointed it at Ty, his bloodthirsty eyes staring him down. "You have chosen this fate, Ty Pierson! I did not come here for battle, but since I do love bloodshed, I might as well show Lockridge just how serious my men are!"

The two armies stood opposite each other, their weapons drawn and their eyes locked in a stare-down. The sounds of thousands of soldiers preparing for battle echo through the air. "It does not have to be like this!" Ty urged him to stop.

"I want no peace," Camus sneers, his eyes filled with rage. "I will have the kingdom, and I will have your princess. You will have no choice but to submit to my will."

The two sides exchange threats and insults, and the tension rises as they prepare for battle. Ty knows that he cannot afford to surrender, and he is determined to defend his kingdom and his princess at all costs. He just had to buy enough for Marx and the rest of the army to arrive.

On Evan's signal, the army charges toward the enemy, their swords drawn and their voices raised in a cry of battle. Camus led the charge of his army, his sword raised in a mighty swing. The sound of metal clashing against metal fills the air as the two armies engage in a brutal fight.

Ty and Camus, their swords at the ready, face one another, ready for a confrontation. Finally, when he meets him head-on, their blades clash in a blaze of light. Ty's sword is strong, but Camus' strength is stronger. He parries his blows with a grace and skill that defies belief, and finally, with a powerful thrust, he manages to disarm Ty and knocks him off his horse, stumbling backward. Grinning, Camus, disembarks from his horse, and prepares to walk up to Ty. He is locked in a fierce struggle, his sword dancing through the air as he faces an onslaught of Alexandrian soldiers who dare to challenge the King and are met with death. His focus is unwavering, and his movements are fluid and precise.

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